Monday, May 27, 2024

Running For The Bathroom!

 It has been a long week this week.   With many things happening all this weekend.   And would you not know it... I had to work all day on Saturday!  (So much for the three day weekend we were promised...)  After an 8 hour day at the warehouse,  I went to church and pretty much called it a night.  

On Sunday,   I wanted to squeeze in a run before Church,  so I got up earlier than usual and drank about 4 mugs of coffee!  ( My Zebra Mug holds about 20 ounces!)  It was a cool morning with overcast skies.   Perfect running weather.   So I headed out.

Normally,  after drinking that much coffee,  I go to the bathroom before I proceed with any arduous task.   However,  I did not have to go, so I took it as a sign that I would be fine.   Besides,  There are several rest rooms along the Petrified Springs route as well as a port-a-jon.   

At around the 3 mile mark.  ( the furthest point in the run...)  I feel the urge to go.   This is not a problem, as I have a little less than a mile before linking up with the Beer Garden bathrooms.   And just for clarity,   this is not one of those bathroom visits that you can simply pull up beside a tree to relieve yourself.   

Moments before I get to the dog park,  I suddenly feel the urge heighten! Kind of like those road trips where you think you can make it 10 miles, but after discovering you only have one mile to go, your body suddenly ratchets up the stress levels!   I make to the bathroom with plenty of time... only to discover that the one stall is occupied!

Did I mention that there is only one stall in the men's bathroom?   Several urinals,  but only one stall.  And this stall is never... I mean NEVER occupied!   Especially at this early of an hour on a Sunday!   Impossible!

So now I have to tell my body that we have to make it at least another half mile to the next possibility.  Do I run?   CAN I run?   Part of me thinks that this is how "accidents" happen.   And what if the lone Port-a-jon by the soccer field is occupied as well?    Then it will be a mile to the house.   OR an emergency visit to the pine trees.

Luckily,  it all worked out.   The port-a-jon was available and unoccupied.   And I survived the event...  But the thought of the one stall in the bathroom.   On the ONE day I needed it.... is occupied.   Struck me as funny.   ( Or infuriating...  take your pick)   Either way,   it must have bothered me enough to blog about it.   and sometimes life can be ridiculous!  So all you can do is laugh.  

There were other things that happened this weekend.. ( or today, at least)  But I will blog about those events tomorrow.  ( If I have the time.)  In the mean time,   I did a little mushroom hunting and finished a couple embroidery projects.    Even with Saturday taken away, I managed to get several things on my To-Do list completed.   Because every second counts!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Three Day Weekend.. With Subie and Nature!

 The Zebras had Monday off in the form of their annual "Z" day.   Yeah!   A three days weekend for us lowly warehouse workers is always welcome!   

So what did I do with my new found free time?  Why..  Fix the Subaru's Brakes! 

They have been squeaking for a while now and I finally had the time to do them properly.    All they needed were new brake pads.  And Easy fix!   

Still, it is nice to have plenty of time to fix them properly rather than have an unforeseen issue arise and ruin your Subie experience.  Overall,  things went together well and I did not have too much of a struggle.   And the squeak is gone.    Looks like I caught the problem before it became a REAL problem.  

Other than that,   I also fixed Dave's KIA brake light,  we recharged the battery and got the Truck started,  and I got to play Cribbage with Ellie and Dave in the afternoon.   

Today,  I went on a nature walk in the Hawthorne Hallow nature preserve.   A small privately owned nature walk on some property near a wetland.   I heard there were mushrooms there, but only found a couple Dryad Saddles.  

I also found a nice bunch of Chinese Garlic Onions!  I brought some home and we might chop them up and put them into something later.   Having wild foraged onions is kind of novel.   They taste a lot like chives... A mild onion flavor.   

Other than that,  I have tomorrow to get ready for the next week.   I guess we have next Monday off this coming weekend... meaning we have two back to back three day weekends!   How cool is that?  We just have to make it to Friday....  

Short blog post this week.   I still have to do my Onboarding for Shoreland and a few other things.  I'm also shopping for a new Subaru.   I'm not feeling confident that Silver Bullet Subie will make it to the 400,000 mile marker safely.   He has been giving me plenty of warning signs that he is getting old and should maybe retire.   So I don't want to let him down by waiting for him to let me down...if that makes sense.   It is a bitter sweet task trying to find his replacement... but I know it has to be done someday.   Because every second counts!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Friday With Christina. A Night Of Laughs....

 Last night,  I joined Christina on an adventure to see a comedian.   This was the first time I have ever seen a live comedian.   And the first time I ever went out with Christina without a chaperone. ( Or "Lion Tamer"  so to say....) I must admit... I was prepared for a crazy night...  

 To those who may not remember...  Christina is kind of like a puppy dog mixed with a bottle of lightning!   Dangerous!  But lovable and cute.    You may sum that all up into one word: "Fun"...  Unless you don't like police, vandalism, rowdy comedian heckling, or night driving.   I'll admit,  several of those things are not on my "Fun list." 

 But I did have fun.   Well,  more fun than "non-fun."   Scratch that!  thinking back.. it was rather fun...  I just don't think I could handle it as an every day thing.   And I will admit up front that I will be embellishing things slightly to make it more blog-worthy.  ( Meaning: things were not THAT crazy.. )  

 To start:  My internet map gave out a mile into the trip to her apartment.   Meaning: I got lost.   I was only a half mile away from her location, but the construction and lack of GPS meant I was driving in circles.    Not the best start.  But I found her after she came out and flagged me down.   

  After a quick tour of the apartment; The backstory of all of the neighbors; and a bite to eat....  We headed out for the show.  The show was thought to star at 7 P.M. giving us only an hour to get there.  It was the same location as the one Dave and I visited to see 38 Special and War.  Christina knew the way, so we agreed she should drive.  ( Or she did not trust the Subie....)  

 Upon arrival,  We learned that the event did not begin until 8.  Giving us plenty of time to chug a beer in the car in preparation.  ( A ritual I learned from Dave.)  I'm thinking that the comedians enjoy performing in front of slightly inebriated people better than stone sober folks.  I know I tend to laugh at things more easily after a beer or two.  

 With all of the construction in Waukegan, wouldn't you know that there was a patch of fresh cement on the sidewalk.  I should have never pointed it out, because Christina took full advantage of the uncured material. Good thing there were no police around...   Wait!   What is she doing????

 The Tickets were free, by the way.   And for this reason,  Christina had the money to spend for a one on one meet and greet with the Comedian.  I waited a bit while she got the picture,  and then we called it for the night.  

  It was late when we got back.  Way past my bed time!   So I jumped right into Subie and headed home.   Christina had to work the next day at 7 A.M....  So she went right to sleep as well.   

Overall,  A fun  night without being arrested.   I consider that a success!  

 Other than that,  I found a few more Aspen Oyster mushrooms on my run this afternoon.  I did Laundry,  worked out for nearly 3 hours!  And I completed 500 pushups today!  (I only got 400 this morning, but finished up the last 100 this evening after Church.  Still!  I consider that an achievement.  

And now I have to run tomorrow early.  Best sign off on this blog post and prepare for tomorrow.    Because life is short and every second counts. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Weekend With Family.

Notice the body near the finish line....

 Last weekend,  Cheryl's Family came up to Kenosha for a visit.  Confused?   It's a long story of how we got here, but there it is...   Cheryl ran a The Wisconsin Half Marathon in the morning while we cheered her on.   And then we all piled into their Forester and zigzagged around Kenosha looking for things to do.  

Dad tries to take a picture...

And that pretty much summed up that section of it.   If I don't go into detail... that is.   But the Story is in the details....  so let us begin. 

I have not seen the Fam for a long time now and it was actually a pleasant event that I was looking forward to.   I did not really know what to expect, since they were mostly in touch with Cheryl and she was feeding me information second hand.   So I'm sure a certain level of detail was lost in the process.  But we managed to link up and have a fun time.  

There are not many pictures of this little gathering because my phone required recharging.   And  everyone else had a phone they could use.. right?   So I left mine in the hotel room.   

A wild ride through Kenosha.


Not only did I fail to get any pictures,  but one of the primary features I use the phone for is the google maps I was taking about in my last post.   But surely,  the other members of the family have a Maps App that they can use...  right?   

Um...  No.   Cheryl's phone kept zapping out and the Mom and Dad do not have a subscription.  They all look to me to find these places they want to go in Kenosha.   Unfortunately for them,  I have a limited knowledge of the area.   Mostly home, work, church, and a couple stores next to home.   In other words,  My knowledge is limited!   

So that made for an interesting ride.   Circles, loops,  and 90 degree turns galore!   I now think I know where Cheryl gets her sense of direction.  

But we survived.  And got to visit all the places Cheryl had planned for us.   The beach, Tenudas, The Cheese Castle, and Woodman's.  By the time we finished,  everyone was exhausted and we all retired to our rooms.  

Sunday morning, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.   It was good to reconnect with them after so long.   But I was ready to get back into my routine.  

I had time to make it to the 10:00 Church service when I was pleasantly surprised by another "family" member.  

Ladybird in the flowers...

Christina popped in after a long absence.   She sat next to me and we enjoyed a long chat.  She has been missed by everyone from Church.  They all wanted to greet her and say hi.  

I lost!  To Christina!

Later, after church,  she invited me for a dog walk through the Petrified Springs.   I had not seen Ladybird for as long a time.   And it is good to exchange stories and catch up while not in the middle of a Church service. 

We played Battleship and drank a beer at the Beer Garden with Dave.   Overall,  it was a nice end to the weekend.   

And lastly,  Tonight!   I found a nice cluster  of Aspen Oyster Mushrooms!  I shall be heading out there in a couple days to see if I can find some more.   I know there was another log with some just pinning out.   

There are moments where you have to slow down and count your blessings.   and I believe there are no coincidences when people from your past suddenly appear out of no where...   It might not mean anything to them,,,  or anyone else.  But it means the world to me.     And  I hope I can be that special thing that helps them along their path of life.   Because every second counts.

Is That A Comet Or Venus?

 I have never been one to follow the night sky very much.   But every now and then, Something will grab my attention and I will try to prete...