Monday, May 6, 2024

A Weekend With Family.

Notice the body near the finish line....

 Last weekend,  Cheryl's Family came up to Kenosha for a visit.  Confused?   It's a long story of how we got here, but there it is...   Cheryl ran a The Wisconsin Half Marathon in the morning while we cheered her on.   And then we all piled into their Forester and zigzagged around Kenosha looking for things to do.  

Dad tries to take a picture...

And that pretty much summed up that section of it.   If I don't go into detail... that is.   But the Story is in the details....  so let us begin. 

I have not seen the Fam for a long time now and it was actually a pleasant event that I was looking forward to.   I did not really know what to expect, since they were mostly in touch with Cheryl and she was feeding me information second hand.   So I'm sure a certain level of detail was lost in the process.  But we managed to link up and have a fun time.  

There are not many pictures of this little gathering because my phone required recharging.   And  everyone else had a phone they could use.. right?   So I left mine in the hotel room.   

A wild ride through Kenosha.


Not only did I fail to get any pictures,  but one of the primary features I use the phone for is the google maps I was taking about in my last post.   But surely,  the other members of the family have a Maps App that they can use...  right?   

Um...  No.   Cheryl's phone kept zapping out and the Mom and Dad do not have a subscription.  They all look to me to find these places they want to go in Kenosha.   Unfortunately for them,  I have a limited knowledge of the area.   Mostly home, work, church, and a couple stores next to home.   In other words,  My knowledge is limited!   

So that made for an interesting ride.   Circles, loops,  and 90 degree turns galore!   I now think I know where Cheryl gets her sense of direction.  

But we survived.  And got to visit all the places Cheryl had planned for us.   The beach, Tenudas, The Cheese Castle, and Woodman's.  By the time we finished,  everyone was exhausted and we all retired to our rooms.  

Sunday morning, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.   It was good to reconnect with them after so long.   But I was ready to get back into my routine.  

I had time to make it to the 10:00 Church service when I was pleasantly surprised by another "family" member.  

Ladybird in the flowers...

Christina popped in after a long absence.   She sat next to me and we enjoyed a long chat.  She has been missed by everyone from Church.  They all wanted to greet her and say hi.  

I lost!  To Christina!

Later, after church,  she invited me for a dog walk through the Petrified Springs.   I had not seen Ladybird for as long a time.   And it is good to exchange stories and catch up while not in the middle of a Church service. 

We played Battleship and drank a beer at the Beer Garden with Dave.   Overall,  it was a nice end to the weekend.   

And lastly,  Tonight!   I found a nice cluster  of Aspen Oyster Mushrooms!  I shall be heading out there in a couple days to see if I can find some more.   I know there was another log with some just pinning out.   

There are moments where you have to slow down and count your blessings.   and I believe there are no coincidences when people from your past suddenly appear out of no where...   It might not mean anything to them,,,  or anyone else.  But it means the world to me.     And  I hope I can be that special thing that helps them along their path of life.   Because every second counts.

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