Monday, May 27, 2024

Running For The Bathroom!

 It has been a long week this week.   With many things happening all this weekend.   And would you not know it... I had to work all day on Saturday!  (So much for the three day weekend we were promised...)  After an 8 hour day at the warehouse,  I went to church and pretty much called it a night.  

On Sunday,   I wanted to squeeze in a run before Church,  so I got up earlier than usual and drank about 4 mugs of coffee!  ( My Zebra Mug holds about 20 ounces!)  It was a cool morning with overcast skies.   Perfect running weather.   So I headed out.

Normally,  after drinking that much coffee,  I go to the bathroom before I proceed with any arduous task.   However,  I did not have to go, so I took it as a sign that I would be fine.   Besides,  There are several rest rooms along the Petrified Springs route as well as a port-a-jon.   

At around the 3 mile mark.  ( the furthest point in the run...)  I feel the urge to go.   This is not a problem, as I have a little less than a mile before linking up with the Beer Garden bathrooms.   And just for clarity,   this is not one of those bathroom visits that you can simply pull up beside a tree to relieve yourself.   

Moments before I get to the dog park,  I suddenly feel the urge heighten! Kind of like those road trips where you think you can make it 10 miles, but after discovering you only have one mile to go, your body suddenly ratchets up the stress levels!   I make to the bathroom with plenty of time... only to discover that the one stall is occupied!

Did I mention that there is only one stall in the men's bathroom?   Several urinals,  but only one stall.  And this stall is never... I mean NEVER occupied!   Especially at this early of an hour on a Sunday!   Impossible!

So now I have to tell my body that we have to make it at least another half mile to the next possibility.  Do I run?   CAN I run?   Part of me thinks that this is how "accidents" happen.   And what if the lone Port-a-jon by the soccer field is occupied as well?    Then it will be a mile to the house.   OR an emergency visit to the pine trees.

Luckily,  it all worked out.   The port-a-jon was available and unoccupied.   And I survived the event...  But the thought of the one stall in the bathroom.   On the ONE day I needed it.... is occupied.   Struck me as funny.   ( Or infuriating...  take your pick)   Either way,   it must have bothered me enough to blog about it.   and sometimes life can be ridiculous!  So all you can do is laugh.  

There were other things that happened this weekend.. ( or today, at least)  But I will blog about those events tomorrow.  ( If I have the time.)  In the mean time,   I did a little mushroom hunting and finished a couple embroidery projects.    Even with Saturday taken away, I managed to get several things on my To-Do list completed.   Because every second counts!

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