With a name like that for the title, you might think this will be a "Finding Nemo" kind of blog post. And it is... Sort of. But who is this "Forester" Character? You might think it would be some famous person from the movies or a Character from a popular story. And that is just what I thought when making this post.
Mostly because I thought of several actors or Characters named Forest(-er). And because I thought it would be a good segue to the real topic at hand:
Finding a replacement for the Silver Bullet Subaru!
By the way, this search has been active for months now! And I simply could not find what I was looking for. It can be very challenging to replace perfection! But, as much as I would wish it to not be so... Even a perfect car can not last forever. And with each passing day... As 400,000 miles drew ever so far from near... I knew that Subie was telling me it was time for him to retire.
By the way, This Blog Post is nearly a week overdue! That is right, I managed to find Subie's replacement over Memorial Day. Turns out certain dealerships understand that hard working Americans do not have time during the week to test drive all of their offerings. And Thus... They stay open on weekends and holidays to cater to such a person. Namely: ME! Those three day weekends were nice, but way too short to achieve anything of importance. Mostly they were spent catching things up! And with the Mandatory Overtime we have been dealing with, there was no time left to even do much of a search! But Memorial day was an exception.
I could make this post longer than it has to be by boring you with all of the details. But I mostly wanted a Subaru that was white. And I wanted it to either be a Forester or a Legacy. Those models were both in my style of personality, And also tended to be within my budget.
By the way, Did you know Used Subarus come in only three colors? The color you want but can't find. The Color you DON'T want. And Silver.
I got Silver.
Every time I found the white forester or Legacy.... They were gone. And I did not have deep enough pockets to make a play for a new one. So.... When opportunity knocked, I opened the door to a Silver 2014 Subaru Forester.
Dave agreed to help out and join me on the test drive and purchase. While we waited for the Sales guy to get our keys, we killed a little time test driving the Subaru STI that was also in the lot. ( Not about to touch that price tag! But fun to drive.)
So I drove home with a Forester. A Silver one. Same color as the Silver Bullet Subaru Legacy that has served me so well over the last 12 years. Now I have to learn all of the things that will make this Subie unique so that I can give it a proper name.
There is no sunroof, no back up camera, nor any of those little extra's that make the latest models so expensive. But it IS a Manual Transmission! And that makes it fun to drive. And with only 71,000 miles on him, I'm willing to overlook the small stuff. Besides, I can always install a back up camera later on my own.
So now, I have Silver Bullet in the driveway waiting for his fate. I thought I might have a buyer for him, but that fell through. Looks like he is destined for the bone yard.
And That will be its own blog post when the time finally comes. In the mean time. I will work on making the new Forester my own and find the proper name for him. All in good time. Because every second counts.
I have been scrolling and reading. What an engaging blog! The fish are amazing, bright, detailed.