For a couple of weeks now, I have been trying to "fix" the Dave's dishwasher. I have managed to repair it several other times before, but this time, I seem to be at an impasse. According to the "code," ( If I'm even reading it right...) The main motherboard is faulty and shorting out. IT can not be repaired, so it must be replaced. Easy Peasy!
Unfortunately, the part is no longer made. ( In stock) And the cost on Ebay for a used one is $135!!! (Used! Meaning: Might not work!) And that still might not solve the problem. According to the internet, the short might be coming from one of the many parts that the motherboard is sending power to. Unless you have special equipment, Or have an idea where to look, it would be impossible to find, and the motherboard mist likely would simply short out again! If the power steering lesson from Subie taught me nothing... it was: Do not rely on refurbished parts for old machines. And even then... It could be a second or third issue that continues the problem And so... It looks like Dave may need to invest in a new dishwasher.
I have already replaced a drain pump, a latch, and figured out a sensor issue. Things are simply wearing out due to steam, wear and tear, and possibly age! ( Even Maytag Dishwashers don't last forever!) IT is kind of a disappointment. Mostly that I can not fix it. But, New Dishwashers can be expensive... if you choose the top of the line models. We shall see what Dave decides....
Today, We said goodbye to a friend. Jerry Vigansky died a few days ago and his funeral was today. He was one of Dave's friends who I had the fortune of meeting at Church. He and Helen greeted me and began a conversation when I was fairly new here. I believe the topic of introduction was fish... ( Walleye, specifically) And we chatted away until the subject of "the broken ice maker" in Dave's freezer came up. You see, Jerry was an appliance repairman for nearly 40 years! (by the way... He was 91 when he died!) He was a valuable asset to have when appliances and electronics broke. Now that he has moved on, I no longer have anyone to bounce questions off of when I'm out of Ideas. That is another reason the dishwasher will most likely stay broken!
Jerry lived a pretty good life, filled with adventure and hobbies. Navy man, Photographer, Avid fisherman. The funeral was a good one with wonderful hymns and stories of his hilarious past. I have always felt Funerals should be more about celebrating life and laughing rather than mourning and sadness. Honestly, you would have never guessed the man was 91! He was just as sharp and fun to chat with as a person my age. ( only with 40 extra years worth of stories!) The only sad part is that such a life has finally reached its conclusion. The video game of life is over and Jerry won.
And finally, Dave and I went to Illinois to catch 38 Special in concert. I was fortunate enough to tag along when Dave found he had an extra ticket in his possession. It happened to be at the same place as the last concert we attended. So things were fairly familiar.
38 Special was one of those 80's bands that were everywhere in the background. Movies, Commercials, and always on the radio. Even now, Classic rock stations will play several of their songs fairly often. And although I never was a hardcore fan, I did know several of their songs growing up.
But then their singing was not what I remember. I guess age catches us all. I'm not sure, but the lead singer sounded so different, I was wondering if he was a replacement for the original. ( Honestly, I don't know!) The music was good, though. And loud! (My ears felt like I was climbing a mountain when I left the theater!) It was a fun night, and they played several songs that I could sing along with. But the music has changed for them... Yet they continue to tour and play for folks who remember them in their prime.
And why not? There is a reason why the cliche exists. " And the band played on...." We are only in this world for the blink of an eye. And if making Music is what brings you joy and meaning... As well as happiness to others around you. Why not continue as for as long as you can.
Because ever second counts!
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