Sunday, July 30, 2023

Mushrooms, Repairs, Food, And Fish!

 A rather busy weekend with many things happening all at once.   So much for relaxation....

First...  Subie's BACK!   Cost?  Nothing!  But I will require new tires and an alignment.   Also... My power steering rack is leaking.   So there is a high probability that I will be needing that to get worked on as well.   But after two weeks of being separated from my Subie, I am just thankful to finally have him back by my side.   That is Subaru Love!

Second:  While doing my Laundry,  Dave's Dryer decided to break.   I was forced to take my wet laundry to one of the coin operated places close by.   Luckily,it was only $1 buck andit only took 20 minutes to get all of my clothes dry and fluffy.   Nice!  I even folded some origami and watched a part of a movie while I waited.  

In the mean time, I took Dave's dryer completely apart!   Looks like the belt broke and a coulel of the roller pulleys in the back were siezed up with lint.   So we took this opportunity to swab out the dryer tubes  and order a new belt, tension pulley, and new rollers for the drum.   Now I just have to hope I can remember how I took the thing apart!  

We dragged out almost two "St Bernard's" worth of lint from the vent tubes.  No wonder the dryer was not drying properly!  I am hoping with the tubes cleaned out and the new belts and pulleys,  we will be able to get the dryer up and running before my next laundry need.   Then again,  the washer still works.  And going to the laundry mat was not terribly inconvenient.  Incidentally,  The REAL money pit is the wash part.   $7.50 for a single wash!  Drying is a fraction of that cost,  so it is not a big deal. 

After drying and folding my laundry,  I went out mushroom hunting/ nature walking.   Let's be honest,  I'm really only there for the mushrooms.  But I do find walking through nature rather peaceful.   Anyway,  after all the rain last week,  the Chanterelles FINALLY have made their appearance.  I managed to get a full basket of them!  It was quite exciting.  

The only bad thing about hunting mushrooms is the greed factor and the lost time.   I spent 3.5 hours out there and it only seemed like 45 minutes!   Every time my basket would overflow, I would see another one to add to it.   It kind of became a problem.   Good thing I did not have a large sack,, or I might still be out there! 

I took many pics,  But I have shown off lots of Chanterelle pics before.  Looks like Dave and I will be eating good this next week. 

And finally, Dave and I went out for a taste of Wisconsin.  A celebration of food and music by the lake shore.   It was fun, even though we did not eat any of the food ( we just ate our own dinner.) We did stop by a couple of the music tents and listened to some of the bands.  I personally liked the Jazz band the best because I recognized the songs and they played at a reasonable volume.  Otherwise,  the event was capped off with some colorfully lit sailboats sailing by the break wall.   Dave saw a few of his friends and had a chat while I took pics of the offerings.  It was a nice distraction for the weekend. 

Today, I ran 9 miles before Church.   The weather has finally cooled off some and I had not been able to run at all of the last several days.  9 miles seemed like a decent distance without hurting myself.  And I managed to complete it in a satisfactory time.  Nothing worth bragging about, but I was slightly ahead of where I thought I would be when I was done.   Hurray!

And finally,  The Fish!   I managed to get it completely coated with Modge Podge and now I am working on the paint job.  I think I will leave it slightly wrinkled as a witness to it being made out of cardboard and paper rather than a fiberglass or a real fish!  If Dave does not want to add it to his wall, I can always add it to mine down here in the basement.   I think it is looking pretty good for a guy who does not know what he is doing most of the time.... And has never done anything line this before.  

So that is it!  A full weekend.  Next weekend I will be helping Ellie move to her new apartment and possibly have other things to do that may come up.   ( Like fix the dryer!)   My tires should be arriving  on Friday and I may even have the opportunity to get those on the Subie by the weekend.   Wouldn't that be a hoot!  IN the mean time,  Staying busy helps me forget my former life and allows me to focus on where I am going and who I want to become.   Hopefully, I will hatch a plan one of these days and find my purpose.  

In the mean time,  If I can help people and repair things with my spare time and unused skill sets,  all the better.  

Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Fishy Weekend.

Another weekend has passed.   And I feel as if I am anxious to get it over with.   I have very little to look forward to these days.   Dave has been on Vacation for the last two weekends now, and I am all alone. A perfect time ti workout and invest in one of my hobbies. 

Well, that is the theory anyway...  The truth is to avoid depression.  And with no friends outside of work around here, I have very few contacts to do anything on a weekend.   So... I simply do laundry and hang out in the basement.  Possibly doing embroidery or Origami or some other hobby. 

This weekend,  I have been working on the Cardboard King Salmon!

I actually have been working on it for several days.  A little bit each night if I have the time and don't run in the park.  In fact,  on Saturday, I broke out the bike and went for a ride through the Parkside. They said there was a 51% chance it would rain at 2:00 pm.   They were WRONG!   I went out just before 1 thinking I would be back before the hour, and it completely DUMPED on me. I got soaked! 

Having been off the bike for a while, I realized that certain things have lost their conditioning... Namely:  My  Butt!   Even with padded shorts on, my butt still hurts from the ride yesterday.  Also, my neck and shoulders hurt from the position.  I wonder how much longer I will keep the bike for casual use....

Another thing that I managed to accomplish is I finally got under 200 lbs!   It took a long time, but I finally  did it.  I have not been this weight since before high school!  My new goal is to not only keep it but see if I can get even lower.  I think I'm "supposed" to be 185 for my age and height.  I can't remember ever being that weight. 

And finally,  the fish!  I have  been working on the cardboard sculpture for several weeks now, but this weekend I actually made some progress.  It helps when the cardboard is nice and dry.   I have been wondering how I'm going to get the "flaws" out of the body before I eventually paint it.   But I will cross that bridge when I get there.  For now,  I just have one last eyeball to get in on the left side of the fish.  At least it is finally looking like a fish instead of a cardboard monstrosity.  

And that is all for the weekend.   No mushrooms!  ( I looked a little while on the bike.) and no embroidery.  Oh!  And Subie is still in the shop.  I guess Jose' has not been able to see it yet.   And when he eventually does, I'm wondering what he will find.  Hopefully nothing a new set of tires and an alignment can't fix. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

On the Eve Before Our Anniversary. A "Thank You!" To Cheryl

I am truly grateful for the time I spent with her.  And that is the truth.  It will soon be 27 years since we took the pledge.  And it looks like this will be our last time...  But before I go down some dark road,  I wanted to say "thank you" to Cheryl.   For being a Wonderful Wife and friend.  

I know I had my hang-ups.  I certainly have my flaws.  And she endured them for a very long time.  Of course she had her issues to.  We all do!  But nothing I could not live with and even learn to love a little.  ( Like her lack of direction.) 

There was a time when I thought we were inseparable.   We would finish each other's sentences and know where our thoughts were going.  We would crack jokes only we knew and blurt out sayings from movies and animes that only we understood.  We were quite the pair. 

But there is an even deeper thanks I would like to try to explore.  One where Cheryl was my support on several occasions.   A moment when I quit Israels.  The moment I put some of my carvings online.  Even when we did not know what the heck we were doing  (Most of the time, actually)   She helped me pursue my artistic side.   And although we did not prosper under that endeavor,  we faced it together and dealt with the fallout together.  It was in those moments that I thought I had somehow picked the perfect partner.  ( or she picked me...  which is probably the actual truth.) 

We traveled!  More than I originally thought I ever would.   We traveled to cities and ran races....  Stopping in at the various tourist sites along the way. 

She had a knack for business!  And we started and ended several business ideas.  Christmas Stockings being the most successful!  I thought we had finally cracked the code after 12 years...  Actually nearly 20!  If you count all the failures along the way.  We made enough money to live a humble existence in Iowa.  We could work together and had no boss over us except ourselves.  And with Covid shutting places down and forcing people to stay home,  we were able to work from home,   making stockings and lots of money.   We brought joy to lots of people and pets along the way. 

And finally,  Cheryl had given me this.   This moment of solitude and self reflection. Honestly, there are moments where I imagine I am dead and this is how a restless spirit would behave.  I wonder why my wife no longer wants to be with me... Why my romantic advances are thwarted.  Why we can not be together.  If I did die,  I don't remember doing it.   And here I am... Currently in a sort of Purgatory for lost loves.   I don't do much outside of working and running outside.  My artistic moments are few and far between.  I feel lost and adrift.  

But something will come along when the time is right.  And I'm not sure what I'm waiting for to take the leap.  Perhaps closure of some type.  Perhaps something else.   But as our anniversary approaches,  I have been feeling rather anxious these days, and felt as if I had to write something down to get this 1000 lbs weight off my chest.   And the only way I know how to deal with the sadness... is to smile.  

And Cheryl brought lots of smiles to my face for many years.    And I just wanted to thank her for that.  

Thank you!  Cheryl. My love.... 

And I honestly and truly wish  you find the happiness you seek.  Whether it be in your career or in another soul mate.   

Because Love..  True Love...  Can never hate.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Scene From My Past.

 Writers Write. Even if no one will ever read it.   At least that is what the "experts" say.  So here is something that I have had in my mind  for a few days now. 

The Arkansas Marathon was only days away and Ethan and Cheryl were preparing to link up with their new found friends once again.   This time, at the small pool room at the hotel where they were staying.  Cheryl and Mike had already went out for their "tapering" run down by the river and the two couples were searching for things to do together as the big event neared.  A few hours relaxing by the pool sounded like just the thing. 

It was a shallow pool,   most likely meant for small children and older people who did not want to worry about swimming.   With no lifeguard on duty, it was most likely a safe bet and hotel policy to limit the risk of accidents.   And since it was the middle of the week,  the pool room remained mostly abandoned and free from other guests.  A perfect place to be alone and share a chat with friends.  

Cheryl slid on her swim suit with ease.   One of the perks of having a runner's body was that she could finally wear a two-piece swim suit without feeling self-conscience. And she had just purchased a new set of swimming bottoms just for this occasion.  She had also bought  a new set of swim trunks for Ethan,  who struggled to slide them on.   Unlike Cheryl,  Ethan was merely a spectator at these races and  had struggled to keep the middle age pounds from stacking on.   Despite riding a bike everyday,  his weight was always a struggle.  

After a few moments, he managed to get the trunks on and decided to keep his shirt on for good measure.   Unlike Cheryl, He lacked the confidence to show off more skin than necessary.  Cheryl shot a quick text out to Mike informing him that they were on their way. With keys and towels in hand, they both headed out the door to link up with the other couple. 

When they arrived at the pool,  Pam was already sitting in one of the lounge chairs, reading a book.   Mike was in the pool near one of the vents.   He waved them both in with a smile.  

The familiar scent of Chlorine and moisture filled the air and hit them as they entered the room.   Cheryl walked over to Mike immediately, tossing her towel and keys on a random chair.   Ethan walked over to Pam and set up on a small table next to their stuff.    

"Been here long?"  he asked Pam.  Attempting to make small talk. 

"Just a few minutes before you guys  got here."  She was wearing a one piece with a cover up and slippers.   

" Going to jump in?"  Ethan asked,  Noticing that Cheryl had already jumped in and was hanging on to the wall near Mike.   They continued their conversation without involving Pam or Ethan.  "Looks like those two are already in."

"I might dip my feet in, but I don't think I will be going in for a swim."  Pam acknowledged.  She continued to read her book as if no one else was in the room with them.  

Ethan began feeling awkward.  And not wanting to disturb her reading, decided to enter the pool with the other two.  With a slight pause,  he slid into the warm-ish water with ease.   Despite the warm temperature that the hand felt,  the water always managed to send goosebumps up his flesh.  The sensation lasted a few minutes until he became accustomed to the sensation. 

He swam/waded over to the other couple.   Cheryl and Mike appeared to be talking about running.   They were always talking about running.   It was almost annoying that they could talk about nothing else for so long.   I was almost like they were purposely excluding anyone who was not a runner from their conversation.  

And that included Ethan.

He ran in the Army.  And he tried to keep the habit up after He and Cheryl first got married.   But time and availability never seemed to match up.   And with Cheryl not joining him in his physical fitness,  he soon gave it up for other pursuits.   By the time Cheryl discovered running,  20 years later!  He had mostly given up on the idea.   By then, he was out of shape and lacked even the basic fitness to begin at a moderate level.   Instead,  he chose a bike to accompany Cheryl on her training runs.   The Bike offered less impact for his joints and an easier means to keep up with her.  The price, however, was that he trailed behind her in fitness and weight-loss.  

Still,  he did not want to annoy them with his constant interjections.   He floated in the middle of the pool, trying to avoid touching the bottom for as long as he could in the deepest section.   His concentration disturbed occasionally whenever Mike and Cheryl would laugh.  Pam continued to read her book,  showing no interest in joining the trio.  And so Ethan continued to swim in circles...  Alone. 

Eventually,  the water began to prune up the skin on his fingers.   And the overwhelming smell of Chlorine was beginning to nag him.   His eyes stung a bit and his hair felt like straw.   It was definitely time to get out.  The refreshing water had done its thing and he felt as if they could now go back to their rooms and relax.  He climbed out and grabbed a towel.

Cheryl muttered something to Mike and they also made their way out.   Cheryl grabbed a towel and continued to talk to Mike while Pam looked up from her book and began grabbing her things.   It looked like they were finally all on the same page.   And the entire meeting took just over an hour. 

Before heading back their their perspective rooms,  Cheryl asked what their dinner plans were and if they should go back out together.   As if spending every hour with them was not enough!   Ethan wondered if He and Cheryl would get any together time without the other couple.  They had already spent their mornings, afternoons and evenings together with them.  And there were still a few days left!  It was almost too much.   But Ethan did not want to ruin the mood and suggest they spend the night apart.   And they did not have many friends that matched them in age... Especially a couple!   It was kind of fun doing couple things with people who shared their interests.      

They agreed to grab a pizza and after they cleaned up,  to meet up on their room in about an hour.   They waved goodbye and headed to their separate rooms.   Ethan wondered  if there was anything that just the two of them could do with out Pam and Mike tagging along.   In fact, it actually felt as if Cheryl and He were tagging along on  the Smith's Vacation.  And when he thought of it even further,  it actually felt as if He was the uninvited guest that was simply along for the ride and free food.  It was becoming a rather uncomfortable position to be in. 

Back at the room,  Cheryl took off her bathing suit and headed for the shower.  

"What did you guys talk about?"  Ethan pried,  trying to make small talk  with his wife. 

"Oh, nothing."   Cheryl answered.  "Mostly about running and stuff."  She added.  

"Is that all you ever talk about?"  Ethan asked incredulously. 

"Pretty much!"   Cheryl said as she turned on the shower.  The sound of the water hissing out of the shower head now interfered with her voice now.  

"Pam didn't seem very engaged down there...."  He affirmed.

  "Just a sec,  I can't hear you with the shower on.  Wait till I'm done."  Cheryl waved him off.   Looks like that was the end of any conversation between just the two of them. Ethan removed his suit and shirt and wrapped up in a towel, waiting for his turn to remove the chlorine from his skin. 

While waiting for Cheryl to finish,  he glanced down at his wedding ring.   The silver band with a blue diamond had turned completely black!  

Ethan had never seen a patina such as this.   Normally tarnish on silverware looks like a bubbly gray with streaks of colors.   Like a river bottom.   But this was completely black.  As if the entire ring was made from Onyx.  He stood up and went to show Cheryl. 

"Hey!  Check this out.  Look what that Chlorine did to my ring."  He held out his left hand to show Cheryl.   

"Just a sec,  I'll get soap in my eyes."   She announced.   He waited for her to finally be done with her shower.  

Cheryl looked over his ring.  "Humph!"  She snorted.   Then she glanced down at her own Silver wedding ring. It had also turned to an all consuming black.   "Weird."   She acknowledged.  And then she waved it off and continued drying her hair.  "Oh well!"   She announced as if it were no big deal. 

Her lack of concern somehow bothered Ethan.   In fact,  it was down right unusual that something like this would not bother her in the slightest.   It was out of character for Cheryl to behave this way. 

"I wonder if it will come off"  Ethan asked rhetorically. Mostly he asked to see what her reaction would be.  

"I'm sure it will..."  She answered vaguely.  As if she were already a million miles away with another thought.  Ethan did not share her optimism.  He knew a trick to get the silver back from highly tarnished silverware, but he had never tried it with a wedding ring.  He was not a chemist nor a jeweler.  But there were other things that bothered him about this entire issue.  

And that is how little in bothered Cheryl. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

A Saturday Of Disractions And Focus!

Last one in the Parking lot!

Friday was a typical day at the Warehouse until the end... When Subie refused to start. 

You know that moment... when you think "This could be it...  This could be Subie's last moment....  He might never start again and I will be forced to find another Subaru!"   Basically... Panic!  Well,  that almost happened to me on Friday.   It happened with Misty Dawn...  And that was a sad day.  ( Thankfully,  we had Old Blue to fall back on... But I digress...)  

As luck would have it, Allison and John,  Two co-workers who tend to leave the parking lot around the same time I do everyday,  stopped and offered help.   (We tend to leave the parking lot last, so the crazy people are all safely out of there...  No accidents!)  Most of the help they offered was Moral support and at the very least, allowed me to keep my cool and focus.   (That was HUGE!)   

Cam Sensor code P0340
After consulting the code reader,  I found out the cam Sensor was failing.   Nothing I could do there except hitch a ride home and plan my  next move  John was gracious enough to offer me a ride and all three of us exchanged phone numbers in case things went south on Monday. (Luckily, I have Dave's truck to fall back on in an emergency.) 

At home, I investigated the code.   Then I watch a video... Turns out,  it is pretty easy fix!  Just two 10mm bolts.   I hedged my bets by contacting the mechanic I have been using here in Wisconsin.  He offered to see it on Monday,  so I was at the very least able to secure a tow and a repair if I had to.  But being a DIY guy,  I simply could not leave the thought alone. 

There were moments I wanted to just leave the professional to handle it,  but the more and more I thought about it,   I figured I might as well see how far I could take it on my own.  If all else fails, I  can still leave it for Jose' to fix it as normal.  

Cam Sensor location!  2 bolts!
Looks kinda Dirty.

Long story short, (or at least before it gets too long.)  I repaired it!  Subie started up on the first go!  The part was at Autozone and other than a couple trips to the Zebra Warehouse,  I was hardly inconvenienced!  It was as if it never happened!   Or as John always says:  "Not that big a deal!"  ( His catch-phrase.)  

The only problem now is being able to drive Subie home.  I can't leave Dave's truck in the Zebra Parking lot....  And I can't drive two vehicles at the same time. ( unless I drive 100 yards, get out,  swap vehicles, and leapfrog  the 15 miles to Sommers.   Kinda sounds like a Benny Hill skit.) 

So Subie is fixed!  Hooray!   

Cardboard fish in progress

And other than the usual Saturday things. ( Grocery Shopping, laundry, Evening Church, Working out/running.)  I was able to work on the Cardboard Fish.   I have been chipping away at it for the better part of a week now.  A little bit added every day.  Today I put the first layer of skin and began working on the head.  It might be a little fatter than a typical Salmon,  and I toyed with the thought of making it a carp,  but I think I can still make it work out the way I want it to go.   We shall see.

And lastly,   Cheryl signed the papers accepting the uncontested divorce.  I shall now investigate the next step to see what is left to do.   There is a mandatory 90 days before things are finalized,  I will continue to hold my breath that this electronic, uncontested, no children or assets, thing is as simple and easy as it claims to be.  

And when I read her Email,  it was like getting hit in the chest with a hammer.  

But this is the only way.  I wish it were not  true, my heart and mind tell me otherwise. 

So.. contrary to what you might think,  I actually welcomed the opportunity to get Subie back on his feet!  Er...I mean,  Wheels!  It prevented me from dwelling on the things I can not control  for at least another day.   And that is a good thing. 

Busy Weekend With Shoreland Robotics!

 I pretty much spent the entire weekend helping out the Shoreland Robotics team.   I would say it was fun!    This was the second and third ...