Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Scene From My Past.

 Writers Write. Even if no one will ever read it.   At least that is what the "experts" say.  So here is something that I have had in my mind  for a few days now. 

The Arkansas Marathon was only days away and Ethan and Cheryl were preparing to link up with their new found friends once again.   This time, at the small pool room at the hotel where they were staying.  Cheryl and Mike had already went out for their "tapering" run down by the river and the two couples were searching for things to do together as the big event neared.  A few hours relaxing by the pool sounded like just the thing. 

It was a shallow pool,   most likely meant for small children and older people who did not want to worry about swimming.   With no lifeguard on duty, it was most likely a safe bet and hotel policy to limit the risk of accidents.   And since it was the middle of the week,  the pool room remained mostly abandoned and free from other guests.  A perfect place to be alone and share a chat with friends.  

Cheryl slid on her swim suit with ease.   One of the perks of having a runner's body was that she could finally wear a two-piece swim suit without feeling self-conscience. And she had just purchased a new set of swimming bottoms just for this occasion.  She had also bought  a new set of swim trunks for Ethan,  who struggled to slide them on.   Unlike Cheryl,  Ethan was merely a spectator at these races and  had struggled to keep the middle age pounds from stacking on.   Despite riding a bike everyday,  his weight was always a struggle.  

After a few moments, he managed to get the trunks on and decided to keep his shirt on for good measure.   Unlike Cheryl, He lacked the confidence to show off more skin than necessary.  Cheryl shot a quick text out to Mike informing him that they were on their way. With keys and towels in hand, they both headed out the door to link up with the other couple. 

When they arrived at the pool,  Pam was already sitting in one of the lounge chairs, reading a book.   Mike was in the pool near one of the vents.   He waved them both in with a smile.  

The familiar scent of Chlorine and moisture filled the air and hit them as they entered the room.   Cheryl walked over to Mike immediately, tossing her towel and keys on a random chair.   Ethan walked over to Pam and set up on a small table next to their stuff.    

"Been here long?"  he asked Pam.  Attempting to make small talk. 

"Just a few minutes before you guys  got here."  She was wearing a one piece with a cover up and slippers.   

" Going to jump in?"  Ethan asked,  Noticing that Cheryl had already jumped in and was hanging on to the wall near Mike.   They continued their conversation without involving Pam or Ethan.  "Looks like those two are already in."

"I might dip my feet in, but I don't think I will be going in for a swim."  Pam acknowledged.  She continued to read her book as if no one else was in the room with them.  

Ethan began feeling awkward.  And not wanting to disturb her reading, decided to enter the pool with the other two.  With a slight pause,  he slid into the warm-ish water with ease.   Despite the warm temperature that the hand felt,  the water always managed to send goosebumps up his flesh.  The sensation lasted a few minutes until he became accustomed to the sensation. 

He swam/waded over to the other couple.   Cheryl and Mike appeared to be talking about running.   They were always talking about running.   It was almost annoying that they could talk about nothing else for so long.   I was almost like they were purposely excluding anyone who was not a runner from their conversation.  

And that included Ethan.

He ran in the Army.  And he tried to keep the habit up after He and Cheryl first got married.   But time and availability never seemed to match up.   And with Cheryl not joining him in his physical fitness,  he soon gave it up for other pursuits.   By the time Cheryl discovered running,  20 years later!  He had mostly given up on the idea.   By then, he was out of shape and lacked even the basic fitness to begin at a moderate level.   Instead,  he chose a bike to accompany Cheryl on her training runs.   The Bike offered less impact for his joints and an easier means to keep up with her.  The price, however, was that he trailed behind her in fitness and weight-loss.  

Still,  he did not want to annoy them with his constant interjections.   He floated in the middle of the pool, trying to avoid touching the bottom for as long as he could in the deepest section.   His concentration disturbed occasionally whenever Mike and Cheryl would laugh.  Pam continued to read her book,  showing no interest in joining the trio.  And so Ethan continued to swim in circles...  Alone. 

Eventually,  the water began to prune up the skin on his fingers.   And the overwhelming smell of Chlorine was beginning to nag him.   His eyes stung a bit and his hair felt like straw.   It was definitely time to get out.  The refreshing water had done its thing and he felt as if they could now go back to their rooms and relax.  He climbed out and grabbed a towel.

Cheryl muttered something to Mike and they also made their way out.   Cheryl grabbed a towel and continued to talk to Mike while Pam looked up from her book and began grabbing her things.   It looked like they were finally all on the same page.   And the entire meeting took just over an hour. 

Before heading back their their perspective rooms,  Cheryl asked what their dinner plans were and if they should go back out together.   As if spending every hour with them was not enough!   Ethan wondered if He and Cheryl would get any together time without the other couple.  They had already spent their mornings, afternoons and evenings together with them.  And there were still a few days left!  It was almost too much.   But Ethan did not want to ruin the mood and suggest they spend the night apart.   And they did not have many friends that matched them in age... Especially a couple!   It was kind of fun doing couple things with people who shared their interests.      

They agreed to grab a pizza and after they cleaned up,  to meet up on their room in about an hour.   They waved goodbye and headed to their separate rooms.   Ethan wondered  if there was anything that just the two of them could do with out Pam and Mike tagging along.   In fact, it actually felt as if Cheryl and He were tagging along on  the Smith's Vacation.  And when he thought of it even further,  it actually felt as if He was the uninvited guest that was simply along for the ride and free food.  It was becoming a rather uncomfortable position to be in. 

Back at the room,  Cheryl took off her bathing suit and headed for the shower.  

"What did you guys talk about?"  Ethan pried,  trying to make small talk  with his wife. 

"Oh, nothing."   Cheryl answered.  "Mostly about running and stuff."  She added.  

"Is that all you ever talk about?"  Ethan asked incredulously. 

"Pretty much!"   Cheryl said as she turned on the shower.  The sound of the water hissing out of the shower head now interfered with her voice now.  

"Pam didn't seem very engaged down there...."  He affirmed.

  "Just a sec,  I can't hear you with the shower on.  Wait till I'm done."  Cheryl waved him off.   Looks like that was the end of any conversation between just the two of them. Ethan removed his suit and shirt and wrapped up in a towel, waiting for his turn to remove the chlorine from his skin. 

While waiting for Cheryl to finish,  he glanced down at his wedding ring.   The silver band with a blue diamond had turned completely black!  

Ethan had never seen a patina such as this.   Normally tarnish on silverware looks like a bubbly gray with streaks of colors.   Like a river bottom.   But this was completely black.  As if the entire ring was made from Onyx.  He stood up and went to show Cheryl. 

"Hey!  Check this out.  Look what that Chlorine did to my ring."  He held out his left hand to show Cheryl.   

"Just a sec,  I'll get soap in my eyes."   She announced.   He waited for her to finally be done with her shower.  

Cheryl looked over his ring.  "Humph!"  She snorted.   Then she glanced down at her own Silver wedding ring. It had also turned to an all consuming black.   "Weird."   She acknowledged.  And then she waved it off and continued drying her hair.  "Oh well!"   She announced as if it were no big deal. 

Her lack of concern somehow bothered Ethan.   In fact,  it was down right unusual that something like this would not bother her in the slightest.   It was out of character for Cheryl to behave this way. 

"I wonder if it will come off"  Ethan asked rhetorically. Mostly he asked to see what her reaction would be.  

"I'm sure it will..."  She answered vaguely.  As if she were already a million miles away with another thought.  Ethan did not share her optimism.  He knew a trick to get the silver back from highly tarnished silverware, but he had never tried it with a wedding ring.  He was not a chemist nor a jeweler.  But there were other things that bothered him about this entire issue.  

And that is how little in bothered Cheryl. 

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