Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Fishy Weekend.

Another weekend has passed.   And I feel as if I am anxious to get it over with.   I have very little to look forward to these days.   Dave has been on Vacation for the last two weekends now, and I am all alone. A perfect time ti workout and invest in one of my hobbies. 

Well, that is the theory anyway...  The truth is to avoid depression.  And with no friends outside of work around here, I have very few contacts to do anything on a weekend.   So... I simply do laundry and hang out in the basement.  Possibly doing embroidery or Origami or some other hobby. 

This weekend,  I have been working on the Cardboard King Salmon!

I actually have been working on it for several days.  A little bit each night if I have the time and don't run in the park.  In fact,  on Saturday, I broke out the bike and went for a ride through the Parkside. They said there was a 51% chance it would rain at 2:00 pm.   They were WRONG!   I went out just before 1 thinking I would be back before the hour, and it completely DUMPED on me. I got soaked! 

Having been off the bike for a while, I realized that certain things have lost their conditioning... Namely:  My  Butt!   Even with padded shorts on, my butt still hurts from the ride yesterday.  Also, my neck and shoulders hurt from the position.  I wonder how much longer I will keep the bike for casual use....

Another thing that I managed to accomplish is I finally got under 200 lbs!   It took a long time, but I finally  did it.  I have not been this weight since before high school!  My new goal is to not only keep it but see if I can get even lower.  I think I'm "supposed" to be 185 for my age and height.  I can't remember ever being that weight. 

And finally,  the fish!  I have  been working on the cardboard sculpture for several weeks now, but this weekend I actually made some progress.  It helps when the cardboard is nice and dry.   I have been wondering how I'm going to get the "flaws" out of the body before I eventually paint it.   But I will cross that bridge when I get there.  For now,  I just have one last eyeball to get in on the left side of the fish.  At least it is finally looking like a fish instead of a cardboard monstrosity.  

And that is all for the weekend.   No mushrooms!  ( I looked a little while on the bike.) and no embroidery.  Oh!  And Subie is still in the shop.  I guess Jose' has not been able to see it yet.   And when he eventually does, I'm wondering what he will find.  Hopefully nothing a new set of tires and an alignment can't fix. Fingers crossed!

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