Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 Finally!  Some Mushrooms!   The constant rain we have been having seems to be deterring the mushrooms from their normal schedule.  But the last two days have finally produced a few of the summer mushrooms that I have been looking for.   Boletes and Chanterelles! 

I also found a number of Fawn Mushrooms. ( Or Scaly Shield Deer Mushrooms)  but did not eat them since my basket was overflowing with Chanterelles and Boletes.   I even found a small cluster of Crowned Corals.  

I left a bunch of Chanterelles in the woods since they were still pinning and needed to grow up.   The ones I left yesterday turned out to grow 3 inches across the top. My only hope in leaving them out there is that the deer, squirrels, bugs or "German people" don't collect and eat them before I get back out there. 

 I'm afraid that the constant rain might trigger all of them to pop up at the same time.   However, it could also be the opposite!  Meaning:  each small section where I have found them in the past, bloom at a slightly different time... so I can collect them all without them spoiling.   It's had to know.   But I do know that I can't eat them all by myself if I hit the Mother lode! 

 In the mean time... It is just me at the house ( currently)   Dave will be checking in sometime later this week and Sara, ( Who I have not really talked about until now...)  Had some car trouble and will be moving to a closer location near her job.  Bad luck on her Ford..Apparently the oil pump went out and destroyed the engine.   ( The oil pump was on recall....  Now they know why!) Best of luck to her that they fix that issue and her car in the process. ( I believe a new engine is the cure!)  

All that to explain why I won't be able to eat all of the mushrooms I find.  Currently, I have been trying.  I put them in my omelette and my soft tacos. Heck!  I would put them on Breakfast Cereal if I thought I could eat them faster.  ( Coffee?  Maybe...)  But I hate wasting those beauties... so I will find a way.   I guess it means I will have to continue to run further each day to keep up with the extra calorie intake.  

Other than that...  I have been fairly productive on my days off.   I recently got my Wisconsin Driver's license and registered to vote in this state.  I also got a fishing license so now I can be kicked off other lakes and not just the private one that we frequented last year.  

 I picked up my School Computer and it fits nicely in the canvas briefcase that Joan got me.  Now I almost look official! They also gave me my keys and a brief run down on the orientation.   Next week begins the main, two-day, orientation.  I can hardly wait!

And finally,  I got Dave's truck running again and fixed the spare tire to the boat.   It appears we will be moving the boat back to the house after not taking it out for over two years.   In that time,  the tires have deflated and we will be changing them again.   The Dodge truck that pulls the boat has a slow drain on the battery that we can not figure out.   So the best I can do at the moment is charge up the battery and keep starting it up periodically to keep the battery charged.  ( Maybe a done light or radio issue?   Don't know.) 

So that is all.   Tomorrow is Thirsty Thursday with the Zebra folks.  ( John and maybe some others.)  John will be joining me in my exit from Zebra at the end of this Month... So I have to take advantage of the Thursday meetings as much as I can.  Then he is off to Texas!    Forever! 

I have found this week to be very peaceful.   I have been running in the heat and I actually enjoy the suffering.   ( I know that is weird to say, but true!)  I listen to music in the house and am not afraid of offending or annoying anyone.  And I still have to clean up the basement as one of the tasks I have set for myself.   "Clean" is not the right word.   I have already swept up the dust bunnies and scraps of paper from the last projects.   I really need to organize the areas once again.   Mostly the Fishing area, since I now plan to use that fishing license before the school year kicks off and I find myself chained to a desk or classroom.  

So much to do and so little time.    But taking things at my pace has been therapeutic, actually.    And sometimes you can't put a price on free time.  And rest....  Because every second counts. 

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