Saturday, July 13, 2024

Join The Rebellion!

 There was much to do today, and there was only one of me.   So I had to choose where I wanted to spend my time this hot and humid Saturday.    I had an opportunity to enter a  sidewalk chalk contest at Jerry Smiths Farm.   But it was supposed to rain today...  And I tried several times to register and it kept booting me out.  I take things as signs that perhaps I was not meant to take that path this year.  

The other thing was to visit Simmon's Island and watch a reenactment of the Revolutionary war battle.  Complete with live fire muskets!   Who wouldn't want that?!

I had to wait a bit for the good part to actually start.   In the mean time,  the motley crew of soldiers marched around the fiend and called off orders, looking rather silly or like first week basic trainees!  ( "Montalto!  Don't you know your right from your left???!") Watching solders march up and down the square is rather boring.. unless they are actually good and in sync.  

So I had an hour to kill along the shore of Lake Michigan.   Wonder what I could do with the new found time...

A little beach combing is always fun.  (Even without Cheryl)  I found a handful of Beach glass and some feathers from Sea Gulls.   ( To be used for later projects.)    Funny how the beach combing makes the times fly by.  

Before I knew it,  the battle had started!   I had a front row seat in the shade. ( Good thing too!  'Cause it was 80 degrees!)  I captured a bit of the action.   And have almost a minute of Video.  (The announcer was rather annoying, but some people do not know history and she was there to explain things.)  In the end,  the Brits lost....  At least this battle.  And ultimately, the WAR!   But that is for the history books to explain... Not this Blog. 

It was then on to cleaning up the Garage!   I had cleaned up and organized the basement,  only to pull the loose thread of the Garage project to totally unravel that beast!   It took me and Dave two days of cleaning and organizing to make the garage unrecognizable!   And by "unrecognizable"   I mean CLEAN!  And Organized!   You can now actually find stuff and walk through it with room to spare.   

It is a common fate of many garages:   to gain clutter over the years.   Dave had many things that actually came with the house that he simply did not have time to sort out and throw away.   But!  With a little help from me,   we got it done.   I will have to post "after" pics.   I'm particularly proud of the fishing pose holders I made out of Pool Noodles.  

Currently, the Boat is back in there and that takes up a majority of the room.  But it still looks so much better.  

I had some time to get ready for Church and afterwards,  go to "Ron's Place" to meet up with some friends.   They didn't show up in the time I had available,  but I did manage to enjoy one of Ron's Mushroom and Swiss Burgers.   And Can I say it was one of the best versions of Mushroom and Swiss I have had yet!   A little messy. ( I would recommend eating it with a fork and knife rather than your hands.)  But the sauce they put the mushrooms in was awesome.   It reminded me of Hardee's Mushroom and Swiss burger back in the 90's.   ( I don't know if Hardees has Mushroom and swiss on the menu anymore. ) 

And finally,  I linked up with Dave to put the boat back into the Garage.   Now small task!  At least not for anyone alone!   The boat is HUGE and takes up every inch of the space.  And it is HEAVY!   So two people pushing it up the driveway is almost a requirement.  But we managed to get it in and now I can peacefully prepare to retire for the evening.    A busy days without chalking or Mushroom hunting.   How was I ever going to fit those activities into an already booked Saturday?

So the weekend is almost over and Now the basement is trashed again, since we cluttered it back up trying to clear up the garage.  Ah well,  I have all day to organize it again.   It should go a little quicker this time around.   And I can always take a break and look for more mushrooms at the Pets.  Next week I have a couple days of meetings with the Shoreland High school folks.   Time is really moving fast!   And it can sometimes be a challenge to make every second count.

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