I'm not sure how many days I have been at this, but it seems like several at least! I started in the basement; Moved up to the Garage; Then Back down into the basement again. All I seem to be doing is moving the clutter from one space to another... Like chasing my tail and never catching it.
But progress has been made! At least I think so. I currently am at an impasse when ti comes to throwing stuff away. Anything important looking I tend to keep, but broken plastic bins are scheduled for the dump or recycle thingy.
I am actually pretty proud on how the Garage came out. I now have all of the poles that would go in the boat out in the garage... ready for action if there was an emergency fishing trip required.
In the basement, I reorganized the tools and fishing supplies so that there is easier access to the flyrods. Getting the pallets attached to the wall was no easy task... But very satisfying!
The small pile near the wall has to have Dave's approval before I remove anymore. And the garbage bins are already overfilled, so there is no real place to put it anyway. So, for the moment, I think I am done... OR at least on hold.
It was not a big decision to work inside today. It rained pretty much all night and the heat and air quality was off the charts awful today. Staying inside and working in the cool basement seemed like a no-brainer.
I did manage to head out last night, just before the rain storm, and find some mushrooms! I discovered that my spots that I had been checking everyday have been previously harvested by COMPETITION! At first I thought it might be animals, but there was no mistaking the knife cuts on several chanterelle stems!
It is not that big a deal. I'm just pretending to be indignant for the blog. In reality, I am probably mostly to blame, since I tell everyone and anyone who will listen about mushrooms and where to find them. I guess I'm mostly counting on people not having the courage to actually hunt, find and eat unknown mushrooms.
Which makes no sense if you stop to think about it. Why tell people about your secret spot if you don't want them to pillage your secret stash?
Ah well, we humans are greedy. And as it was, my basket was already overflowing. Even if I had found more, I probably could not have eaten them all before they would spoil. So... Happy to share with the unknown fellow mycologists.
I made the mistake last night of making regular coffee instead of decaf. I drank the delightful brew just before bed to help me sleep. However, I was wide awake until about 2 A.M.! The good news is that I got to watch the storm as it rolled in AND I went crawler hunting around midnight. I found a couple dozen night crawlers for future fishing trips. (Hopefully later this week!)
I have to say, I am a little out of practice when it comes to hunting night crawlers. I used to do it every time it rained back when I was a kid. Those things are FAST! But, like riding a bike, I picked it back up in no time and was able to find a decent number. Now I just have to keep them out of the heat of summer long enough to be used as bait.
And that is about all. A busy day for me, with very little outside moments. I didn't get to run today, (Because heat and rain! Duh!) But hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow. My goal is to get the run out of the way before I have to head out to Shoreland for the orientation meeting. At least I made decaf tonight.
Oh! And one final thought: I heard they "immortalized" my vest and hat in the VAS cage. Like a grave site or trophy of a previous victim. (Hear lies the Great Ethan Allen... A once moderate Zebra employee who spent his last days in the cage...)
The weeks seems to be flying by, and there is so much more to still do. I'm finding more and more everyday that every second counts!
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