Sunday, July 7, 2024

The 4th Of July.

A quick post on the holiday activities.   Made even shorter due to my lack of pictures.   ( Oh!  I Took pics, but none of them seemed to make much sense or turn out.)  The highlight of the day for me was the crashing of the Sommer's Parade.  Something that I can now say is somewhat of a tradition.  ( Three years in a row now!)  Basically, I was invited by Dave to attend as a guest.  And since that time, Dave has managed to be gone over the 4th for the last two years now.   Forcing me to "attend" and an uninvited, un chaperoned visitor!   Like Wedding-Crashers!  Only for a 4th of July Parade.  (Does Owen Wilson have to be in it?)  

Not really a wild and crazy party that Hollywood would have you believe.  It was incredibly hot and humid!   I had a pulled pork sandwich and played with some chalk on the driveway.   ( Same thing I did last year.)   There were more kids involved this year, and they seemed to enjoy the same activity.  I left my chalk there so the kids could continue playing... AND so I would not have to lug it back to the car after the parade. 

The parade was fun.  I didn't get any candy or produce this year.   And there was only one marching band. ( The highlight of the parade, in my opinion.)  It was fun and a great way to spend several hours on a holiday where I had nothing else planned.  I even met a number of people that I actually knew here in Kenosha!   ( Lidia and Vicky from the Clubhouse!) 

I failed to see any fireworks. Not that big of a deal... I have seen them before.   And I'm sure they would not have been as much fun or as exciting as all of those times back in Wellman. ( Where the fireworks could be viewed from our back yard.)  Ah well,  there is always next year.  

Tomorrow will be laundry and catch up time.  I have some stuff to clean, bills to pay, and activities to perform before I get to drop in on Shoreland on Tuesday.  Perhaps I will have soemthing to blog about then.   Until then... Every second counts

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