Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The KIA Window...

The KIA window arrived last Saturday night and I decided to put it in on Sunday.   I actually thought it was going to arrive Thursday,  and Friday was going to be the day... but Amazon surpassed our expectations once again.   

I figured it would be a simple job.  And it was...   Mostly.   But it did take longer than I had first anticipated.   ( About 2.5 hours.)  And it could have taken longer had Dave not stepped in to help me several times.   You would be amazed what an extra set of hands is worth when doing a project solo.  

And even with the right tools,   a you tube video,  and Dave's extra hands...  We STILL needed a pat on the back from a retired mechanic that Dave called.   HE told us pretty much what we were doing was on track and we just had to persist.   And be careful with the glass edges....   His cheer leading was well appreciated

And do we got the window in and Joey is not back on the road without the draft and rain messing up the back seat.   BY the way... it rained Tuesday!   Good timing on our part, getting the window in before the weather turned bad.  

Other than that,  I have entered the Cages of VAS at the zebra Warehouse.  I started Monday and it is a little weird to be in one place for so long.   But I think I'm getting the hang of things and hopefully will find my rhythm. The job is fairly easy and I know most of the folks in the cage from way back... so there is an air of familiarity that is comforting.  

However,  the uneasiness I think I'm feeling is the missing inbound team and the late break schedule with my lunch buddies.   It is funny how a simple move to a different part of the building could have such and impact with your schedule and routine. Even though I can see inbound right outside the fence!   ( I sometimes wave at them...) 

Ah well,  no one ever said change was going to be easy.   And I have an even BIGGER change coming up in a couple of months.  With that looming on the horizon,  this will seem like a walk in the park by comparison.    So perhaps this is simply practice for my major life changing event in July.  We shall see

And that is it.   It is Wednesday already.   I have Friday off and plans for a Lucky Race in Milwaukee. Something to look forward to!   And tomorrow is Thirsty Thursday with John.  ( Maybe Marion and Dylan again... who knows? )  It will be fun hearing about Inbound from the outside this time.   I can hardly wait!  Because every second counts...

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