Sunday, March 10, 2024

A Lucky Run.

 I spent another weekend in Milwaukee with Cheryl.   But this time... we actually ran a race.   In celebration of St. Patricks day,  we ran a "Lucky" run and drank green beer.   It was the first time I have ever ran a 7K race.   Or drank green beer!  

The race was pretty much the highlight of the weekend.   Too bad it was windy and cold!   And it rained the previous night... all night!   They had predicted snow at some point, so I'm very grateful that didn't happen.  Otherwise...   I managed to pull off a decent time for me. 
  ( Being out of shape and all....)  Any time that is a sub-nine minute mile is good enough for me.  

On the down side... (other than the weather.)   The location of the race was in a strange place for us and we were unfamiliar with the area and local happenings.   This made for a limited experience outside of the hotel room.  In fact, we pretty much traveled to the south side of Milwaukee and repeated the same things we did previously.  ( mostly.) 

We did manage to do a little beach combing without the snow and ice this time.   And we actually found a few nice pieces of glass and colored rocks.  It was unfortunate that the cold and wind eventually drove us from the beach as well.   But,  the fact that we even had the opportunity was good enough.  

Other than that...  the weekend was kind of  "Meh!"  for me.  I did like seeing Cheryl again,   but with the weather limiting activities,  it was a repeat of the same.  ( Mostly) We couldn't even linger at the race after-party just because of the coldWe hovered around the two heating stoves for warmth and marshmallow roasting.  ( Which was kind of fun...)  But even that gets a little old after a while.  ( Especially when I was the only one doing it.)  

Today's weather was a little better. But Cheryl left early and I headed to Church...  Thus signalling the weekend's end.   Dave and I did manage to do a little hiking in the forest to see of any mushrooms might be pushing up.  ( They aren't.   Too early or too cold for them just yet.) Otherwise, we simply scouted out a new potential spot for future searches.  

And that was that.   I folded a little this afternoon.   I'm a little disappointed on how things turned out but I did complete a pretty good elephant.  Hopefully Jane will like it.  

The next month we are on "mandatory Overtime" at the Zebra.   Meaning I will not have the luxury of weekend festivities as I have previously.   I don't see Cheryl trekking up here in that time, so It may be a full month before we see each other again.  ( For the Lincoln Half Marathon in April.)  In the mean time.... I will have to work on my running and increase my distance so I do not bonk out or hurt myself for a 13.1 mile run.  That means I will have to find time to run when I can.   And I'm not going to be able to rely on Saturday's as I did before.   Time will be at a premium... Because every second counts.

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