Friday, March 22, 2024


 It snowed today in Kenosha!   Isn't it supposed to be spring time? I thought the groundhog said it was coming early?    In fact,  it was almost 60 degrees just three days ago!  What is going on?  

I figured with all of the plastic bags I have been throwing into the landfill,   the global warming should have sped up the Spring process by now...Where is the science when you need it? 

 Ok,  Back to reality.

It did snow today.  Quite a bit actually!   Several inches in fact...   So it looks like a long run may not be in the card for this weekend.    Then again... things could change in a heart beat.   So we shall see. 

It was a typical Friday at the Zebra.  And everyone was tired and ready to let the weekend begin.   Only to come out ot all of our cars covered with a wet, heavy snow.  

Some of us got a little playful in the process of cleaning off our cars.    Wet, pack-y snow makes for a great snow ball fight.  Or a snow man!   Marion seemed ready for the fight part. 

I'm home alone tonight,  as Dave is away on business and I have the entire house to myself.   A great way to spend a Friday!   Time to relax and drink a beer.   We shall see what tomorrow brings.    Apparently,  there is rain in the forecast sometime this weekend.  That might make for difficult distance running as well.   So I shall reserve my judgment until tomorrow comes.   Because every second counts.

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