Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Weekend With Cheryl.

Cheryl came up to Wisconsin this weekend.   And even though there was no race to run,  we still managed to have fun.   

I know what you are thinking...  I do!   Honest!   Because I have the same questions.   But,  I have simply stopped asking the confusing questions about life and now just roll with it.   I find that the simpler I keep things,  the happier I seem to be.   

It was more like a date than anything else.    And that was nice.    Luckily Cheryl is a rather cheap date...  Choosing to go to the beach for beach-combing for beach glass.    An activity that is totally FREE!   And I like free.   

However...   There is a price...  ( There is always a price!)  The monetary savings you may find are made up for in environmental suffering. Namely:  It was cold!      Cold and windy along the beach.   That made for some exciting activities while we searched for broken beer bottles and shards of old windows.   And that is what makes it a challenge.    It already is an Easter Egg hunt with the brightly colored gems hidden in the "Goodie Line" of the surf.   But add in the wind and the possibility of getting  soaked from the waves and you have an adventure!  

And that is about the time Cheryl gets her feet wet.   She is always pushing the limits of what she can get away with and Mother Nature is not as forgiving.   She was searching in the wash zone when a wave swashed over her shoe and up her pant leg.   Brrr  Chilly!  

As for me,  I know my limitations.    And therefore, I do not have to prove to myself where they are in everything I do.    Thus....   Keeping my feet safe, dry and warm!   Call me a coward!  I would like to think that knowing your limits and limiting the distance you get to them is an act of wisdom.   It's all about perspective.  

Did I mention we went running?   Even though there was no race,  we still went out for a short run near the shores of Lake Michigan.  And as a result,  my legs are killing me!   I have not run since the Jinglebell hustle....  so I might be a little out of shape at the moment.   But perhaps it is time to start tuning up this machine I call a body and get it ready for some spring running events.    Because... you never know....    

Oh!   And we saw some turkeys. 

We ended the day by visiting IKEA and a local brewery.   I now remember why I do not frequent family dining much anymore.    Everything was rather expensive.   Normally,  when I go out to the Clubhouse with John on Thursday,  we have a good time talking about, work, sports and politics and do not spend an arm and a leg in the process.   But a Brewhouse in Oak Creek is a different matter entirely!  Good thing I limit the "dates" to one every two months! ( or longer!) 

I'm off to attempt to paint a fish.   Something I have been derelict in doing this last week.   I still have to finish folding my laundry and prepping for tomorrow.    This weekend was way too short.   And every second counts!

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