Friday, January 12, 2024

A Very Snowy Day.

Today was a short day at the Zebra.... Due to Weather!  I can only imagine it was because the trucks were not going to make it and NOT because they were concerned about the well being of their employees.   But... Who knows?    Bottom line:  We got out at 1 PM instead of 3:30!   

Some of the people had a challenge just making it to work this morning.   ( Everyone wants that holiday pay for Dr. Martin Luther King Day.)  To get that day paid, you have to show up the day before and the day after.   And if snow is in your way... you find a way!   ( Unless you get sick.. like I did  two weeks ago!) 

It continues to snow here in Kenosha.   The snow is heavy and wet! And it is coming in sideways!   When I went out to the Subie,  the snow was clinging to the car like frosting!   I was not worried, though... Because Subaru s LOVE the snow!   ( It is all the other crazy drivers we have to look out for...) My commute was fairly uneventful both coming to work and going home this afternoon.  

Other people have reliable transportation as well.   There are the "Jeep People"   who have that trusted 4X4 drive to depend on.   Ah,  I remember those days with the Ghost Bear....   He loved the snow too!   IN fact, if I had not stumbled upon the Subaru brand, I would still probably be a Jeep guy.   There are certain vehicles you simply fall in love with. 

Joan was ready to leave as soon as the buzzer sounded. One of the perks of  this Winter storm is that we do not have to come in tomorrow!  ( It was an option for me, but for the rest of outbound,  it was mandatory!   That ticked off a lot of people who made plans for the three day weekend. )  Now that the weather is awful outside,  the powers that be have decided we can enjoy the indoors at home.  how thoughtful!

But at the end of the day, I'm just grateful to have the extra day.   I can afford to miss the overtime for one Saturday.   And there were be plenty of Saturdays in the future by the sound of things.  So might as well enjoy the tree time while I can. I still have the Fish project to chip away  and a few other ideas floating around in my brain.   I will use the time without worries. 

And that is all for this Snowy Friday.   All of the stress of having to cram all my weekend activities into Sunday have now fanned out to an easier schedule.  I think I will sleep in tomorrow...  And take on the next task at my leisure.   I'm relaxing just thinking about it!  Yeah!

With my new found time,  I'm sure I will have a few pictures to post for the fish project.   Tonight I added a couple more fins. Tomorrow I will cover them with the paper strips and maybe even do the other side.  We shall see how quickly things dry and if I have the time.   Because every second counts! 

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