With very little else happening this week, I did manage to take a few pics of the latest Fish Project. And luckily,,,,, I have at least one thing to blog about for the week.
This week has been rather uneventful! The only laundry I had was work clothes! Meaning: My week consisted of getting up, going to work, and then coming home to sleep! Not very exciting... and hardly blog worthy.
( In fact, I just posted everything there was to say about it.... so there!) But boring moments are filled with project progress, if you are fortunate enough to have a project... Which I do!
The latest fish! Something from the Centrarchidae family. Also known as the sunfish family, Bluegill, or Bream!
There are many species, and I have not fully committed to one just yet. (Probably not going to be a green sunfish, though...) That final decision will be made when the painting starts.
I actually made a lot of progress this week! ONe of the perks with having a couple hours each night and nothing else going on.
Did I mention it has snowed here in Kenosha? Cold and snow are not great for outdoor walks in the park. ( Unless you ski or snowshoe...) So indoor activities are all the rage!
Normally a project like this is excruciatingly slow. I have to do a small section and wait for it to dry.
Then, 24 hours later, I have to do the next section. Having the ability to work on it consistently, with no other distractions eating up the time, really helps it move along.
I finally added the fins today. Only the Dorsal and Anal fins so far. But those might take a few days all by themselves.
And they will add to the challenge of trying to get it to lay flat and work on it without destroying the spines. Already I bopped myself in the nose with the brute as I wrestled it into position. I didn't see stars, but it did thump my nose pretty good.... enough for a good stunning.
So that is all. I worked Saturday for some reason. Mostly because I had very little else to do.
( Other than the fish) I can only work on the fish project for 30 minutes to an hour each day, so that
is not a huge commitment for a weekend. The rest of the time is spent watching the paper dry. Loads of fun there. But... I seem to like doing it.
I think my next project will be to begin work on my fly rod. I will have to purchase the materials and then form a plan to begin the assembly process.
I'm kind of excited about that since it has been over 40 years since I have tied up my own fishing pole. There is something very satisfying about creating your own work of art and then using that item to create memories for the future.
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