Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Making Of The Macarones!

 A quick post tonight as I have been neglecting the blog as of late.  Mostly because the Holiday Season is in full swing at the Zebra and we now find ourselves working lots of overtime.   Hurray for Money!   Now if we could only buy some time with that cold hard cash...  But I digress!

Friday we are bringing backed goods to Inbound for a little Comradery for the inbound crew.   Being a seasonal thing, I have been wanting to make Macarones  for a while now... since it has been a while since I made them and thought it would be fun dusting off the baking skills.   

This was the first time I ever did it alone.   And although I offered to share the experience with several people....  I found that actually doing things solo was rather zen-like.  The entire process was incident free and actually worked out!   First time go!   The egg whites whipped up without a hitch and the folding of the almond flower into the mix did not make a mess or disaster.   

However,  the Macarones are not quite how they are supposed to be.   The are more like Vanilla Wafer cookies and less like the light and crispy French delicacy. I'm sure that there is a "trick" I'm missing that I have forgotten.... and Probably, if given more time, would figure out.   But, Ah... The Overtime!  Or "lack of time" to experiment and remember that long lost skill. 

I will work on the filling Thursday.  Hopefully,  that will help smooth over the fact that my almond cookies are not light and fluffy Macacrones and really just a special form of Christmas Cookie.   Perhaps I will bake something else as "Just in case" baked treat.   We shall see.   

In the mean time... I have to sleep.   Yesterday, I stayed up way too late and ended up waking up later than expected.    Seems like your body will get that minimum amount of sleep no matter what.   Time is short and precious!  And every second counts...

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