Friday, December 29, 2023

Bringing In The New Year With A Cold!

Perhaps it is the Flu?

It started on Wednesday....  Weakness and stiffness in the joints.   I went to work and wondered if I had been pushing myself a little hard on my morning exercise regiments.  But by the end of the day...  I got a cold feeling in my nose and a small ting in the back of my throat.  Thankfully, the day was nearly over and I was able to finish it out.  I talked to a couple other people at work and they said they were experiencing similar symptoms.  The "Bug" had been going around the building. 

It snowballed from there.   That night I hardly slept!   I almost forgot that I have the option to call in sick for work;  and I would not have probably not thought of it, had I not had a lucid dream about it.  The funny thing is, after realizing I was going to call in and take Thursday off,  I kept having additional lucid dreams that I had already called in!  Several times I woke up realizing that I had not done it and was simply dreaming the entire event.  Call it a hallucination....

So I took Thursday off...  And it was not relaxing time.  I had plans to possibly get up and do a little crafting if I got bored    THINK AGAIN!   I was so sick I barely left my bed.  The Aches are killer.  With the sinus pressure and pounding headache, there simply was no escaping the pain.  All I could do was drink liquids and try to stay warm.  

I was planning on beating this thing before today....  THINK AGAIN!   Looks like Mother nature had different plans for me this New Year's Eve Weekend.  I called in to work despite knowing I would lose my holiday pay if I did not show up for the day before and the day after. In the end,  I think I made the right decision.  I would have been miserable, useless, and CONTAGIOUS!  So I'm sure most of the folks  at the Zebra and Happy I took the day off as well. 

So now... the weekend begins...  And I'm still feeling bad.   My legs are cramping up and my neck begins to hurt if I sit in a chair for too long.  I really hope it gets better soon.  

It could not have come at a more inconvenient time.  Cheryl asked if she could come up and see me.   We were planning on bringing in the New Year....Together!  But that is squashed now.  

As mentioned before,  We have Monday off and I was going to get Holiday Pay for it..  But not anymore.   Ah well.   Money can't buy you good health.

 And finally,   this is one heck of a way to end the 2023 calendar year.  Sick.  Alone.  And confined to the house.   My roommate happens to be in Sunny Arizona at the moment with his family... so I essentially have the entire house to myself.  Add to the cold and lonely factors.  

Ah well...   Just a rant I guess.   Sometimes things do not go as planned.   And it is disappointing.. But currently, I'm so sick I hardly care about any of that.   I have not had anything to eat for the last two days.  (no appetite!)  So other than lots of TEA and Hot Cocoa, I have only been drinking to stay hydrated. Hopefully,  tomorrow I will feel better and have the stamina to write a better 2023 in Review for me.   There were lots of Dark moments in 2023....  But also some good ones.  I'm looking forward to a long post... so this Cold had better be gone by then.  (OR at least less annoying.) Because every second counts.

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