Monday, December 25, 2023

A Wonderful Christmas Day

Ok... I'l,l admit that I'm in no condition to write... currently.  And if you read my last post, you might be expecting something a little "out of character"  for me.   But Hey!  Toma and Jerry's are AWESOME!  and like Chocolate, I can't seem to stop until the entire bag is gone  Or in this case.... the tub of Batter!   

But I just made up the last of it, so I should be OK from now on until New years Eve.   But that still means that this post might be compromised a little.   already I'm catching a bunch of spelling and typo errors.  Thank goodness for Spell check!

But back to the topic at hand:   Merry Christmas Day!   So far, it has been a great day!  I went to church.   Went of a 6 mile run in the mild weather,  did 75 pushups IN A SINGLE SET!  I have not done that since the Army.   And even then..... When I was in my peak physical condition,  I only did 70 in the two minute limit!   So... yeah... kind of proud about that.  

Granted.  There was no 2 minute limit;  Nor was there a judge telling me my form was sloppy.  I know it probably was.  But I know that I had to press my chest to the ground and push up at least 75 times!  And that is all that matters.   This gives me confidence for the January Month of 100 pushups a day challenge.  I think it is to cure cancer or something. Call me insensitive ...But I am doing it for the T-shirt.  And since I am already doing 150 pushups a day already,  I guess it is no biggy for me.  If Cancer can be helped in some way in the process,  That seems OK by me.  

Am I ready for this shirt yet?

Did I mention that I ran 6 miles today?   The weather was nice and mild and I have not done a single training run since the marathon.   It felt kind of good.  I was not focused on breaking any speed records... but rather I wanted to enjoy the park one last time before the snow eventually flies.  I know it will come in January..  So.  Best to get those runs in before that happens. 

 There were Canadian geese flocking across the street here by the house.  I managed to herd them back to the water.  Not that they really cared.  Canadian Geese are pretty stubborn... and Messy!   Everyone complains about the dogs around here, but the geese leave a trail of land mines all across the road and sidewalk where they cross.  Hurray for nature!

And finally,   I worked on the Fish today, after cleaning up and getting things in order.   The problem with these process pics is that it looks like you have not been doing anything.  But I assure you,  this is an important step in making a Cardboard fish. The only problem is the time it takes for it to dry.  I'll have to get back at it tomorrow, if I have the time. 

So for now... I'm blogging and enjoying my last Tom and Jerry for the Evening.   And feeling pretty good.  (2 shots of alcohol per cup will do that for you...) But seriously,  I have had a pretty good day.  Relax,  Kick back and enjoy the remainder of the day....  For tomorrow we start again at work.   And then..   New Years!   Time for More resolutions and planning for an uncertain future.   We shall see what the future brings!  Because every second counts.

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