Happy Thanksgiving! ( Written on Black Friday... But better late than never...) I spent the day doing a Turkey Trot with Friends.... Because... Running!
Seriously, Who wants to run on a day of traditional American Gluttony and Over-Indulgence? Apparently, a LOT of people! Ah yes, I remember the day when I used to be able to eat as much as I wanted at a Family Feast and never cared about the consequences. But now... Now that Age has kicked in... I have to watch what I consume and increase my activity. And therefore... A Turkey Trot seems like a welcome answer to the riddle.
And so it was that Dave sent me a link for the Kenosha Turkey Trot. I was on the fence about it with no real plans for any Thanksgiving festivities. But then a Phone Call from the past helped me make the decision.
Cheryl, who also had nothing to do on that day, wondered about my plans. And after a brief back and forth, I sent her the link.... And she signed up! I figured, if Dave and Cheryl are both going to run the local race on Turkey Day. I may as well sign up too!
Dave said he traditionally runs the 2 mile, whereas Cheryl signed up for the 10k. With both options on the table, I figured neither one of them would want to run in the slow group with me... so I flipped a coin and signed up for the 10k. ( 6 Miles! What the Heck was I thinking???) If I was going to be slow, I might as well pretend it was the distance and not the poor shape or lack of training.
In the end, I actually set a now PR. 53:45! My average was an 8:39 minute mile. Not as fast as the Army days.... But that was 25 years ago! So I'm pretty happy. ( Enough to actually post the results on this blog at least...)
Dave came in Second in his division and won an award. Cheryl came in first in her division. Both of them are just plain show-offs! (Just kidding.... I'm actually very happy for them both!) In the end, we all had a great time.
Later that day, Cheryl and I went to the beach for a little beach combing.
We found a small
collection of beach glass and a few colorful rocks that captured Cheryl's fancy. The beach was cold and windy, but despite that, there were lots of people out there looking for things on the beach. And I thought we were the only crazy ones out there willing to brave the cold for a few found trinkets....
Many of the local stores had shortened hours for Thanksgiving day, but we still managed to stop in to a few before they closed up.
The Mars Cheese Castle being one of them. Some Kringle and a Cheese Ball Sampler with crackers and beer were all we needed to make the Holiday complete.
Overall, it was a good day yesterday. Activities with Friends, even though those activities are simple, are still ones that are most enjoyed and memorable. I firmly believe that even the most basic of plans or activities can be made extraordinary when you have good company to share them with.
And life is nothing more than a time line... Of Grace from God. And every second counts.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! And May God continue to give us all of his blessings.
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