Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Cardboard Fish.... Fin-ished?

With the "creation" process at least.  I spent the day Modge Podging it for the finish.   Now comes the long and laborious task of painting it.   This was supposed to be a Largemouth Bass.   It definitely ended up LARGE!  But it looks more like a Ling Cod at the moment.

Ling Cod

( Ling Cod..  Spectacularly beautiful fish!)   I could make it a Ling Cod... with small pelvic fins.  

They change color before your eyes!

But Ling Cod change their colors like Squid or Octopi!  A fascinating thing to witness first hand!  Are they brown or blue or spotted or mottled?  Actually... All of the above!  

But I may end up making this another "Fantasy Fish."  We shall see how the Largemouth Bass painting goes.   ( Painting is not really one of my strong artistic suits.)    In the mean time....  I wanted to post the progress thus far.  

Modge Podge in Progress!

The thought has occurred to me that I could just leave it natural color.    But then it would look like a blank I purchased from the Taxidermy Store.   Or a  Hobby Lobby Pinata of some type.  Who knows?   maybe after I fail at painting it.. I will make another one a leave it brown as the finished look.   We shall see.   But I will most likely attempt to paint this one.  Just because I can't visualize it without paint of some type on it.  

And the painting may take a long time...  just like the last one I did.   I usually one have a couple hours each night to dedicate to it.. unless I wait for the weekend.   And then I have to wait for paint to dry.   And I tend to blend my paints...  Yadda Yadda...   There are not many weekends left in this year of 2023.. So every second counts!

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