Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Weekend End...

Not a bad Extended Holiday Weekend!  I got to Run,  Beach Comb, Shop a little, Drink Beer, And relax.  What else could I possibly ask for?  

Today,  I spent some time painting the Fish and folding some Origami.   The fish painting takes so long!   Paint a little.  Let it dry.  Rinse and repeat!  I did not get many shots of the steps,  but this is how far I am currently.   A few more touch-ups and finishing the eye and I will be ready for the final clear coat to seal it all in.  Yeah!   

Projects like these are kind of nice since they take so long to complete.   This way I have a hobby waiting for me whenever I get rained in for a weekend or have nothing better to do but don't want to spend any money.   The down side is that it takes so long, I sometimes leave it incomplete for months!   And end up tossing it because I lose interest!   But as this one nears completion, I am already beginning to think about what my next project will be.   More Origami?   Another cardboard sculpture?   Who knows!  We shall see...

In the mean time, I also spent a little time folding some Origami.   I discovered a use for some of the heavy skid paper we get whenever we get an overseas shipment of printers at the warehouse.  to save space, the printers come on this really thick paper-like material.  It is very difficult to fold, but I experimented with it this weekend to see if I could wet-fold it.  I think it worked out pretty good,  as long as I choose a sculpture that is simple enough to wet-fold.   The Uber-thick material gives it a new level of character.  I wonder what else I could fold with one of the bigger sheets...

And while I was waiting for the paint to dry, the paper to dry, and Dave to cook dinner.... I went ahead and made some regular foil paper for future folding projects.   The Christmas Tissue paper is on sale and I bought a packet for some possible Christmas folding.   Simply having the paper is a major plus when I get the urge to attempt something slightly more complicated. 

And then there is the beginning of the Christmas Season!  Advent starts this week!   And with that came the snow.   Just enough to dust the yard.   

And with the snow came the urge to dig out and set up the Christmas stuff.   We brought up the tree and decorated it, along with a set of lights that wrapped around the living room.  The tree does not support the Christmas Angel very well, so we did what all self respecting DIY guys do:   Duct Tape!  

Or in this case,  Gorilla Tape.   It works!  Red Green and the Mythbusters crew would be proud.

And with not enough Thanksgiving yet, Dave decided to cook a Turkey for us for Sunday Dinner.   Mashed potatoes, Gravy, Cranberries, and Creamed Corn as side dishes!   All whipped up and ready before 3 PM!  He has plans for Turkey soup and Turkey Sandwiches for future meals this week.   Sounds pretty good to me!

And there it is.   A restful Sunday filled with Small Activities.  Oh!  Did I mention I finished the Embroidery Projects I began?   Another shirt for Work and a vest for the colder winter days.  I had plans for embroidering a knit had for my head instead of the baseball cap, but that will have to wait for another day.   I have never worked on that material before so I want to take a few precautions before I risk my only beanie cap. 

Hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving this weekend.  I know I did.  Sometimes it is the little things that make you grateful and happy.   It may be easy to lose sight of that in this world of parties and material things...  But having lost everything multiple times, I think I am able to better see through the fog this world generates for us.  It seems like an Oxymoron, but losing everything was a Blessing from God!  

And I'm confident He will give it all back someday.  At least the stuff I really need.   ( Like Wisdom, kindness, and gratitude....)  Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Turkey Trot Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!   ( Written on Black Friday... But better late than never...)  I spent the day doing a Turkey Trot with Friends....  Because...  Running!  

Seriously,  Who wants to run on a day of traditional American Gluttony and Over-Indulgence?   Apparently,  a LOT of people!   Ah yes, I remember the day when I used to be able to eat as much as I wanted at a Family Feast and never cared about the consequences.   But now... Now that Age has kicked in... I have to watch what I consume and increase my activity.    And therefore...  A Turkey Trot seems like a welcome answer to the riddle.  

And so it was that Dave sent me a link for the Kenosha Turkey Trot.   I was on the fence about it with no real plans for any Thanksgiving festivities.   But then a Phone Call from the past helped me make the decision.     

Cheryl,  who also had nothing to do on that day,   wondered about my plans.   And after a brief back and forth, I sent her the link.... And she signed up!  I figured, if Dave and Cheryl are both going to run the local race on Turkey Day.   I may as well sign up too!   

And so I did!  

Dave said he traditionally runs the 2 mile,  whereas Cheryl signed up for the 10k.    With both options on the table,  I figured neither one of them would want to run in the slow group with me... so I flipped a coin and signed up for the 10k.   ( 6 Miles!  What the Heck was I thinking???)  If I was going to be slow, I might as well pretend it was the distance and not the poor shape or lack of training.

In the end, I actually set a now PR.  53:45!   My average was an 8:39 minute mile.  Not as fast as the Army days....  But that was 25 years ago!     So I'm pretty happy.    ( Enough to actually post the results on this blog at least...)  

Dave came in Second in his division and won an award.    Cheryl came in first in her division.    Both of them are just plain show-offs!  (Just kidding.... I'm actually very happy for them both!)   In the end, we all had a great time.  

Later that day,   Cheryl and I went to the beach for a little beach combing.   We found a small collection of beach glass and a few colorful rocks that captured Cheryl's fancy. The beach was cold and windy, but despite that, there were lots of people out there looking for things on the beach.  And I thought we were the only crazy ones out there willing to brave the cold for a few found trinkets....

Many of the local stores had shortened hours for Thanksgiving day,  but we still managed to stop in to a few before they closed up.   The Mars Cheese Castle being one of them.   Some Kringle and a Cheese Ball Sampler with crackers and beer were all we needed to make the Holiday complete.  

Overall,  it was a good day yesterday.   Activities with Friends,  even though those activities are simple, are still ones that are most enjoyed and memorable. I firmly believe that even the most basic of plans or activities can be made extraordinary when you have good company to share them with.    And life is nothing more than a time line...  Of Grace from God.    And every second counts.   

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!   And May God continue to give us all of his blessings.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Cardboard Fish.... Fin-ished?

With the "creation" process at least.  I spent the day Modge Podging it for the finish.   Now comes the long and laborious task of painting it.   This was supposed to be a Largemouth Bass.   It definitely ended up LARGE!  But it looks more like a Ling Cod at the moment.

Ling Cod

( Ling Cod..  Spectacularly beautiful fish!)   I could make it a Ling Cod... with small pelvic fins.  

They change color before your eyes!

But Ling Cod change their colors like Squid or Octopi!  A fascinating thing to witness first hand!  Are they brown or blue or spotted or mottled?  Actually... All of the above!  

But I may end up making this another "Fantasy Fish."  We shall see how the Largemouth Bass painting goes.   ( Painting is not really one of my strong artistic suits.)    In the mean time....  I wanted to post the progress thus far.  

Modge Podge in Progress!

The thought has occurred to me that I could just leave it natural color.    But then it would look like a blank I purchased from the Taxidermy Store.   Or a  Hobby Lobby Pinata of some type.  Who knows?   maybe after I fail at painting it.. I will make another one a leave it brown as the finished look.   We shall see.   But I will most likely attempt to paint this one.  Just because I can't visualize it without paint of some type on it.  

And the painting may take a long time...  just like the last one I did.   I usually one have a couple hours each night to dedicate to it.. unless I wait for the weekend.   And then I have to wait for paint to dry.   And I tend to blend my paints...  Yadda Yadda...   There are not many weekends left in this year of 2023.. So every second counts!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Power And Danger Of Writing...

I have heard it mentioned somewhere that writing can make you dangerous.   And Chicks Dig men who are dangerous!   And being dangerous sounds kind of cool to me...  I have always wanted to be dangerous...  in a wimpy kind of way.  (I am allergic to violence!) And if one of the side effects happens to attract the ladies....  I think I could handle that "downside."

But what kind of danger can you generate from simply applying pen to paper?   Or in my case:  Keyboard to Laptop Screen? (I will admit, "Pen to Paper" sounds more poetic.) The saying that "the pen is mightier than the sword"  comes with a little bit of context behind it.   Written words have rallied men to rebel against tyranny and oppression.   Written news articles  have ended careers of seemingly invulnerable people and politicians.  And documents written for a free people to unite behind has withstood the test of time and made countries great.  Although the sword is technically a better weapon in a fight,   it is often preceded with the pen....  Writing words...  That rile up people and populations into action.

But before I get sidetracked into some political trap,  I want to point out the actual act of writing.   Having command of your own language makes you powerful.  I have seen it during all of those years scoring papers at ACT, Pearson, College board, and ETS.  Students who had a command of writing fared better than their counterparts.  And after reading all of those essays and stories for all of those years,  I would like to think that they had made me a better writer.  

Now before some grammar Nazi points out all of my misspellings, limited vocab and overuse of  certain punctuation marks;  (Parenthesis, "quotes," and ellipsis for example...) I will have you know that I try to write with my voice being one of the key elements.   And to do that,  I sometimes have to take "liberties" with bold type, italics, and often rarely used punctuation marks.  It's my quirk. 

The main reason I am writing this little blog post that no one will likely read is because I believe that the divide between people with writing skills and those who have little or none is growing.   At one time,  everyone had a working knowledge  and ability to write down ideas.   Sure,  there were those who wrote better than others.   And those who made it their job to write and wrote for their job. Everyone agrees that the ability to read is important in our advanced society.  But what about our ability to write?  

Writing forces you to think.   You have to carefully construct your thoughts to prevent ramblings and digressions.  It sharpens your language skills and helps you improve with each word you jot down.   And thinking people are dangerous!  Because when you think,  you are less likely to fall for those "emotional pleas" that lead you off a train of thought.  To keep your focus,  you have to have a clear path in your head that has been paved for others to follow.  

So how does one become a better writer?   First off,  I think you have to understand that writing is not something you are born with.   It is a gift!  A gift from someone who has come before you.  ( Similar to History!)  A gift from your teacher or parent who has lovingly sat you down...  often against your will, and showed you how to form words with letters.  And sentences from words.  And thoughts from sentences!  A gift that one generation gives to the next.  Showing that intelligence and wisdom is something that is built up through the ages and handed down instead of something that you are born with. Everyone who learns to read and write should be grateful!

Having been handed this gift, you now have to develop it.  To do this, you have to become skilled enough to become dangerous.  How do you develop this skill?  With practice!  Why else would the teachers make you write all of those essays and reports?   Why do you have to write those letters home to your parents?   You think the teachers like reading your sloppy prose?   ( Well, actually...  sometimes they do!)  I'm sure they would rather be watching the ball game on the weekend rather than reading a bunch of disorganized papers that are poorly punctuated and littered with misspellings.  But that is what you must do to become dangerous.   You must develop that skill until you can create and idea clearly and then write it in a way where others can understand exactly what you are trying to say. 

After that....  You develop a "Talent." for writing.   Unlike the skill part,  you now rely on your own methods to get your point across.   This is where you develop your "voice."   That special writing style that sets you apart from others.    Injecting comedic elements, or satire, or lavishly constructed sentences with flowery vocabulary are some of the methods.  This is where you discover that balancing act that keeps your reader reading instead of dropping out of the engagement altogether.   Clear thoughts and facts are boring without a little color.   Yet,  too many complex words or sentence structures might make your writing too rich to consume all at once.  And the only way to do this is to continue to write. 

So....  What's the big deal?  Why do I care?   For years I have noticed that there seems to be a widening chasm between people in our society. I once went into the education field with the idea that Education could solve just about anything.   People make bad choices because they simply are not educated on the consequences of their actions. Not the best theory, I know now...  But I was young and filled with optimism.   I later changed my mind and believed education WAS the problem.   Kids are learning the wrong things at school that are making them weaker instead of stronger.   Or they are simply not learning anything at all...   Making them just as weak as people who have no skill. 

Our society now has been tossed into a world where texting, slang, acronyms, and emoji's pass for meaningful conversation and thought.  Many comments on message boards are more "Streams of Consciousnesses." rather than organized and focused points.  Those folks who can write well end up writing books and manuals to help people with problems.  But those who can not write are viewed as "stupid" or insignificant.  They may be skilled in other fields.   Skills that matter!  But without the skill to pass down that knowledge, they are a dead end.   Who would want that for a society...?

Being a teacher was never my first choice of career.   But I was somehow talked into taking that career path and going to college for it.   Somewhere along the way, I  began to think I might actually like it.   But life tossed me a curve ball and I was forced to change directions.  Perhaps to allow me to come full circle and realize...  For myself this time,  that there is a need for teachers to teach kids the value of writing.   And how to develop their skills with meaning and purpose.  And WHY those kids have to learn these skills and why they are important.  To become dangerous....

Like a porcupine, a dangerous citizenry keeps predators away.   And only those foolish enough to mess with a peaceful but dangerous animal gets the quills in the face and paws!  Porcupines do not travel in herds.   They do not follow a leader.   They do what they want... because they fear very little.  And they are able to meet danger with danger because they are fully capable of taking care of themselves. 

I once thought that Math was the golden chalice for education.   I studied advanced math courses because I loved the logic and purity of it all.    But now that I'm older,  I realize that language...  And specifically,  writing... is far more important.   Without it,  Math would have to be re-discovered generation after generation.   Without writing,  failures of the past can not be told to our future citizens...  To keep them from making the same or similar mistakes.   

The only question now is what am I to do about it?   Do I jump back into the fight as a 50+ year old man? I would be starting all the way back from level zero.  Will it be worth the cost and sacrifice at this point in my life?   Will I even make a difference?   

Or should I leave this for the next generation...   Possibly passing on my thoughts and observations  through nothing more than my writings on this blog.  It certainly would be easier.  I could sit out the remainder of my days working at a warehouse, building a pension and retirement plan while having medical insurance.  Paying off debts and working hard to become a law-abiding, hard-working cog in the machine of this society.  It does not sound as  fun when I put it that way... But I have already lived the "fun" life, and that was a rocky path to take. 

Call it wisdom,  call it fear..  Whatever is holding me back,  I should try to understand it and make up my mind.   Because time is running out.   And every second counts. 

Is That A Comet Or Venus?

 I have never been one to follow the night sky very much.   But every now and then, Something will grab my attention and I will try to prete...