Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Final Fall Mushrooms! And Snow!

Yesterday,  on the way home, I found a hillside covered in Shaggy Caps!  Fresh ones!    And in clusters!   I simply had to pull over and harvest them!  Or at the very least,  check out how fresh they were.   

This is the same place I found them last year, only back then I only found a few.   This year,  they were  dozens in clusters all around.   I chose the freshest ones I could and tossed them in  my Zebra Hat so I could carry them.   

Oh!  Did I forget to say that it was Cold?   31 degrees!   My hands were frozen trying to harvest them.    However, I did manage to harvest a lot of them and brought them home to show Dave.   He suggested we clean them up and eat them right away.    (Especially since they will not last longer than 24 hours after harvest.)   We tossed them into a skillet of ground Beef and vegetables and had it over rice.   Very Tasty!!

That was yesterday. 

Today...  Snow!   A couple inches at least!   It started out once again as a chilly morning,  but as the day progressed,  the snow began....  Covering all of the Cars  in the Zebra Parking lot.  (Including Subie!)  Looks like winter has made its first appearance on stage!

Oh!  And today is Halloween!   Fun for the kids who braved the weather outside this evening.   Even More Fun for ME!  As I stood in the open garage handing out candy.    Only a few kids stopped by.   And by 5:30,  it was pretty much over.   But at least I got more kids this year than last.  ( Last year... Zero!) Perhaps it was the open garage this time.  I just did not know how to handle Trick or Treating last year.   No one knocked on the door or yelled "Trick or Treat!"   I waited until dark.   I wonder if I was doing something wrong or was simply that "Creepy New Guy" in the neighborhood.  Either way,  I deem this year more successful.  

Looks like running is now going to be an even more challenging exercise.   No tunes and now...  Cold and Snow!   I will have to purchase some tights or warmer running gear if I want to prep for the Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving.   

And then there is November!  I was thinking about working on that Novel and that means I will have even less time to train or run after work.   Which is already a tiring ordeal....  Normally, I feel like just taking a nap when I get home.   But now I have to run and Write!   How will I do it all while still keeping on top of the regular things I have to do?   There simply are not enough hours in the day these days.... And Every Second counts!

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