Thursday, November 9, 2023

November Is Not A Great Month To Start A Novel...

 And why would it be?   You have the Holidays,  Hunting Season,  Daylights Saving Time, And the beginnings of Winter.  It also sucks if you have a job...  (unless you need money or something to give yourself purpose...)  Jobs tend to cut into your  expendable time lot and there is not a lot left over for creativity. Especially if you already have a project that is consuming the lion's portion of your artistic side.  ( The Cardboard fish...) 

That being said,  I DID manage to finish a novel in the month of November once before.   A long, LONG time ago...Perhaps you remember....     

At that time, I was carving toilet seats and I was rather busy each night as the Christmas Season approached.  Even then, I still managed to find several hours each night to polish off a chapter.  To bad we were perpetually poor during those artist/entrepreneur days. I never got to celebrate with  style.  We might have bought a cheap bottle of bubbly...

Since then,  finding the time to dedicate to my story has been a challenge.   I simply do not have the same time or  auto activities that I once had when I worked for myself.   I could think about my story while I was working at my carvings.  I can't really do that anymore. One of the downsides for working for The Man!

Oh!   And I have been battling a cold for the last few days.   Dave has it too... He is finally getting over his version.   Mine will be a day or two behind, I'm sure.  But already I am feeling slightly better.    Fingers crossed that I will continue to improve.  ( I've doubled up on the Turkey Tail Mushrooms in my coffee!)  

So this post is just to remind myself that I had a willing spirit at the beginning of the month,  but now I have fallen off the writing wagon and it looks like it continues without me.   And this blog is also counted in that little analogy. I have not been able to blog as much as I used to.    And I miss it sometimes.    

But there will be other months.  And other opportunities to write those thoughts down on paper.   ( Or on the computer...)   Perhaps when the snow keeps you inside and you are feeling better.    Like February...  We will have to see.   

Then again,  it could be like Lone Wolf Concerto. ( a fellow blogger)  who is experiencing health problems and still has not written his memoirs of  Hollywood and his sex and drug induced days of youthful escapades.  Some of the things he hints at are fascinating.   In his case,  Time is running out,  and you never know how long you have to write that story down...  Because every second counts!

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