Monday, October 2, 2023

About Yesterday....

In my desire to explain my Marathon Experience,  I forgot to mention the good things that happened yesterday.  And all of the good things about the Marathon in General.   Remember when I used to write long posts about all of the Race amenities that were offered?   Well,   Here we go...

First,  the race was pretty big!   Lots of people ran both the marathon and the half marathon.  I, of course,  have no pictures of the 5K or many of the Marathon itself, since I put my phone/camera in my bag check in.  (Along with my Gummy Bears!   Haribo!) 

The expo was rather small, but still larger than many others I have been witness to.  I didn't hang around very long as I had to walk back to Dave's truck before any parking police got any ideas.  But while I was there,  I did purchase a few things that had the race logo.   And another sticker for Subie...  even though he was not technically there for the experience.  (Another story for another Post.) 

Race morning,  I drove and arrived a full hour and a half early, and yet the parking places were lined up!  I managed to find a place fairly easy, but there was quite the line leading to the Summer Fest parking lots. From where I parked,  you could see the bridge were were supposed to cross.   It was lit up just for us!

One small note:  Cheryl would be proud as I had to go pee so bad and did not want to wait indefinitely for one of the two port-a-jons in the parking lot.    So... I did the typical runner thing and went in the bushes.   Luckily for me,  there were no lights or cameras or spectators.   I was able to Ninja Pee in the darkness surrounded by shrubbery. 

That being said, there seemed to be plenty of port-a-jons at the start line.   (And along the route... every two miles!)  We had to take a shuttle bus to the start line.  Leaving our cars at the eventual finish line at Summer Fest. 

During the race,  the route was well marked and there was plenty of crowd support. ( Cheering spectators) They had water stops every two miles with Water, Gatorade, and port-a-jons.   I'm not sure, but I think they had gels every six.    In addition, there were ice and spray hoses near the end of the Marathon.   And some kids gave me an Oreo Cookie!  

In all,  It was a well run Race.   And it is unfortunate that I bonked so early in the game.   But... that is part of the experience.   I spent the early part of the day in recovery.   And although I would love to drama things up,  in reality,  I am almost back to normal.   I was nearly 100% at noon, after doing my morning stretching and sit-ups.  So yea.... feeling better.  

And that is all... for now.   I will fill in the other activities in a later post... hopefully.   Mushroom,  Fish,  Subie... will just have to wait.  Because the day is now over and I have to work tomorrow.   And every second counts.

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