First! Did you know there was an Eclipse today? One where the moon is the furthest from the earth so it does on completely cover the sun. It was called the "Ring Of Fire!" Like the Johnny Cash song!
So... Did you see it? Not if you live in Wisconsin. Not only was the pathing over New Mexico... But Kenosha and the surrounding area was completely covered in Clouds! So I could not even see the "bite out of a cookie" version.
The Moon at 6 AM.
So why do I geek out about things like Solar and Lunar eclipses when I am not a NASA scientist? Because wondrous things in this world will pass you by if you are not paying attention and noticing your surroundings. You are bound to miss things everyday, no matter how hard you try to see it all. But to let things slip by because you are distracted with something "trivial" seems like a waste of a life experience. Stop and smell the roses now and then. Unfortunately ( or rather...Fortunately!) for me... I tend to notice too much! And get distracted from things in life that should be attended to with a timer. Things that "Other People" deem "more important." But this is my life.... and I will live it the way I see fit!
Complements of YouTube.
At least I was able to watch it on YouTube... From the prime observation spot in New Mexico. ( I think... or Arizona...) Too bad the rain was a factor for us here in Wisconsin.
Speaking of the Rain.... I was pretty much "shut in" today. And forced to do indoor things with my time. Luckily, I had a project in the wings that I could dedicate my time to.
An Origami Koi!
Last weekend, I made the paper for this. It requires I make the paper from tissue as I have never been able to get it to fold up with regular, store-bought paper.
( The paper eventually rips!) I did not have any methylcellulose available, so I was forced to use Gelatin. It worked out pretty well.
It took me pretty much all afternoon to finish it. I have been slowly folding the scales a little each day after work. Sometimes I would only do a couple of rows...
But today I was able to make some serious progress. Currently, it is drying after I coated it with Modge Podge to keep it from Unraveling. I hope it turns out as I had imagined.
I thought about leaving it white.. But the whole reason I chose that color paper to begin with was to be able to paint it. In every origami project, there is always that moment where you fear that you could possibly ruin it.
Either the paper will rip or your folding will come undone. But in this case.. Adding paint to the paper might destroy it. Or the pain job would end up looking terrible. However, I think it turned out acceptable.
I have made the paper with several colored sheets added on before I ever started folding. But... The paper was unevenly thick and rather difficult to fold.
And in the end... I didn't like the look as much. In my opinion:
Painting works best! ( Maybe certain fish models are better for the paper pieces... But not this version.)
Now all that remains is the approval of the person I made it for.
And finally, Mushroom! I went out after the rain settled down and just wanted to go for a nature walk. I, of course, brought my basket along just in case. And I might have been actively looking for mushrooms in the process of getting some forest therapy... But it was not the primary purpose.
Then again, I might as well gather up some Turkey tail while I was out and it was abundantly available. I only found a couple other mushrooms that were not exactly choice. I stopped to chat with a lady and she asked if I had found any Hen Of The Woods. That, of course, got me monologuing about them and showing pictures. I had told her that I had not yet found any today, but was primarily looking for them as this is the right time of the year for them to make an appearance.
Wouldn't you know... Five minutes after chatting with her, I walk up on two huge specimens! I was very excited! But she and her dog were long gone. Each of the clusters were so big I would have gladly shared them with her had she been around.
As it was, I chopped them up when I got home and they are currently filling the refrigerator. Turns out, Dave and I still have half of the last one I found in there. I tried to cut as much of that one up for dinner this evening, and still have some remaining. Looks like we will be enjoying Maitake mushrooms for the next several meals. Which I don't mind at all.
Turkey Tail and Maitake
One mental note: On this occasion, I happened to have a basket full of Turkey Tail. I thought this would be a good time to show that Turkey Tail and Maitake do look rather similar in a close up shot. However, all you would have to do it feel each of them to know the difference. Maitake feels like soft rubber while Turkey tail... Even fresh ones like these... feel more like leather. You would have a Tough Time eating Turkey Tail...( Pun intended)
And that is all. Tomorrow I will work on the other fish for a while. Perhaps I will have time to change the oil in Subie. Or maybe purchase a new Coffee Maker. ( Looks like the European engineering has finally called in for the last time.)
I doubt I will be heading out for more mushrooms since we lack any room for any new finds. But who knows..... Maybe I will do a run! Or just relax after a tough week at work. The day will be mine! To do whatever I want.... Because Every Second Counts...