Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Mushroom Jambalaya

Tonight, Dave made his Famous Jambalaya... With Shrimp of the woods mixed in.   It's the kind of dish that takes a little more prep than most,  but he managed it before his 6:30 meeting tonight.   

I helped a bit with the Aborted Entaloma.  They tend to be rather dirty when they push up through the ground....  So I used a really small brush to get as much dirt out of the cracks and crevasses.  

I must have done a good job, because I did not encounter any sand or grit while enjoying them.  

As always, the dish was awesome.  ( "Two Helpings" Awesome!)  but I was a little disappointed that the Aborted Enteloma's cooked down a little more than I would have thought.  No matter!   The flavor of the mushrooms was great and although the texture was not as "shrimp" as I would have thought...  It did provide  an added element of flavor to the dish.  

Yesterday,  I went out looking for a few mushrooms between the rain episodes and found the Bear's Toothed Comb (A Member of Lion's Mane) for the first time in Wisconsin.   Actually, this was only the second time I have ever found it.  We decided to leave it out of the Jamalaya tonight and will add it to smoething later.   Perhaps my morning omelette.  

I found several other mushrooms as well.   Many of them Poisonous.   And one with a chance of Psilocybin . The Big Laughing Gym...  was found on a log near the Bear's Tooth Comb. I have found this before and still have not tried it.   Mostly becaue there is a chance it will make you sick and also there is a chance it will have NO Psilocybin in it.   So why take the chance?  

It was a pretty good day today.  It rained and was overcast during my run this afternoon.  I would not mind if it got a little bit cooler.  Especially for this weekend.   I have some BIG plans and the cooler weather I believe will be slightly more helpful than warmer weather.   But I will take what I can get.   In the mean time... Every second counts. 

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