Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Zebra Profile: John.

John is one of the Inbound Material Handlers at the Zebra Warehouse.   We essentially do the same job, but I do it cheaper and with with more prestige.  (I'm a material handler 1!)   For a couple Thursdays last month, we went out the bar to chat about sports, work, flirt with waitresses, and drink beer.  Oh!  And they have Mushroom and Swiss burgers there, so sometimes I get that.  Basically, he is one of the Inbound Zebra Family that I get to work with.  

A 15 year Veteran.... of McDonald's.... John is a fountain of Wit and Wisdom with one liners that make you scratch your head before busting out laughing.  His Catch phrase is: "....That's not a Big Deal."   And he usually bats traumatic situations away with the flick of his hand.   The dude is a rock!

This past week, he has been on Vacation in Hawaii.   And that Lucky Bum has been taunting us (via Facebook...) with glorious pictures of his celebration.  Beaches, dancing, grass skirts, and fireworks are all the rage over there.   With Pineapple cocktails and LOTS of sunshine! John seems right at home.  ( Don't get burned again!)

But alas, the Ball can't last forever.  And at Midnight....  The fancy carriage will turn back into a pumpkin.  John eventually has to come back home... to the Zebra.  If only the fantasy could last a little longer.  

Well we hope he enjoys his time away from the manual labor that is warehouse work.   But we miss his Mcdonald's War stories.. And those Thursday night bar chats.  ( Ok, technically, it is just me, unless Francisco shows up instead of pretending to be at the Gym.)   I can imagine the memories will last longer...  And isn't that what life is all about?   Making the memories is only half of the fun.   Because every second counts!

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