Friday, September 22, 2023

The End Is Official....

I had a long day today.   I drove to Iowa to finish up the big legal process that tells everyone that Cheryl and I are no longer a couple.   ( The big "D" word..... is final!)  I just got back and it is late.   And I felt the need to post a quick blog entry just to make a note on this timeline that is my life story.   The entire process took about 20 minutes.    Not counting the 90 days of "cool off" time that was part of the process.  In fact,  we never saw a judge.  They just handed us papers to fill out and "Poof!"   No more Team Allenbrite.  

Well, it was a fun 27 years.  We met at McDonalds and "celebrated" the end at Mcdonalds for lunch.  A fitting end to that chapter and story arc.   Almost poetic, if you think about it.  

I then drove all the way back to Kenosha.  Currently,  I am feverishly trying to finish this so I can get some sleep.  I have to work tomorrow at the Zebra.   ( Overtime, Baby!)   I hope I can get enough sleep to function properly.   Or at least enough to make it through  the day.  

And that is that.   All over!  Fini!  The funny thing is I didn't feel sad at the end.  I actually felt a flood of relief!  I'm still working out why that is...  But in the mean time.  I am free to get on with my life.   And every second counts!

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