Sunday, August 6, 2023

Weekend Mushrooms And Dangerous Shaving.

I ran 7 miles this morning!  All before Church.   I had nearly an hour and a half before church began, so I decided to take a shower and trim up my hair a bit on my head and face.  Little did I know how that one task was going to change the course of the rest of the day.  

Apparently, I cut my ear.   I don't remember shaving my ear, but apparently, the shaver found a way there and nicked it. Just enough..... to make it look like someone had tried to kill me!  I didn't realize this until I got out of the shower, but after looking in the mirror, I had blood gushing down the side of my face.   The small nick was hardly noticeable!  But it simply would not stop bleeding. 

Is he dead?
I tried everything.   Band-aids, Toilet paper, Tape, Super glue...Even Staples! ( Not really....)  Nothing seemed to stop it.   After nearly a half an hour, I texted Dave and said I was not going to be able to make it to church.  The last thing I wanted was to accidentally brush it and open the wound while in church!  The people beside or behind me would be horrified!  And I would be horribly embarrassed!  Thankfully, I went to church last night, so I already heard Dave's sermon.  ( and it is online, so I could always catch it later if I missed it all together.) 

So what to do with my new found time.   Luckily, the birds and trees don't care about my injury... So I headed out for some Forest Therapy.  

And discovered the Mushrooms were out in force!   Within 5 minutes, I gathered enough mushrooms to nearly fill my basket.   After an hour, my basket was overflowing!  And there was so much of the forest left to explore!  I had to resist going down the non- groomed trails for fear of finding more Chanerelles! ( I simply can't leave them there to rot on the ground!)  Today's finds included Chanterelles, Boletes, and Russulas.  Almost all of the Boletes were fresh and firm.   Many of the Chanterelles were as well! It must have been perfect conditions for them over the last few days.  

I did manage to find a few huge Boletes and Chanterelles that were past their prime.   It is easy to make the call to leave them when you have a full basket already.  But that also means I didn't have an opportunity to thoroughly explore the other spots I favor.  Who knows what else I could have found...

After I got home, I took a long nap and Dave prepped dinner.   He made a Corn Chowder which eventually became a "Mushrooms Soup!"  Cream of Mushroom, that is...

It was good!  And I managed to fit all of those Boletes, Chanterelles amd Brittlegills into one pot.  Thankfully, mushrooms tend to cook down over a gentle simmer.  We still have some left over for Dave's Parents, if the want to try some of the fresh Chanterelles.  

Tomorrow, we Travel to Michigan.  There is adventure in the air, with a little luck, I will be able to blog about it.  In the mean time,   Time is short!  And Every second Counts.

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