It was a rather busy week of set backs, wrong turns, and "Almost! But not quite...s" But it ended with a sense of accomplishments non the less. Something I have learned over the years is that "learning" takes time and mistakes to actually sink into the thick gray matter between our ears. ( or at least mine... I'm sure other people learn much faster with fewer mistakes...)
First, The Dryer! We ordered the wrong part. ( Typical. for me..) The Belt was the wrong size, but the rollers on the back ( There are four, but the kit we purchased only came with two.) Managed to work out.
We had to re-order the proper belt, ( without the kit this time) and wait for its arrival mid week. (Thursday)
In the mean time, while waiting for that part, I decided to tackle the blinds in the front living room. Long story short: We broke them moving the piano months ago. And there have been no blinds on the front window all that time. I finally just took up the initiative to purchase some at Menhards and toss the old ones, since ACE hardware was never going to order our parts. I purchased the wrong size... ( Go figure) so I had to go back, return the unused ones, Ask WHY the numbers on the package did NOT add up to the numbers I had taken measurements for... And finally get the blinds custom cut for the front window.
It was pretty slick, they cut the rack to the size I asked and I thought I would recycle the old slats to work with the new railing.
Guess again! Turns out, it was a round hole for a straight slot. So I had to go back to Menhards to buy the slats; Get THOSE custom cut, and fix it all on the same day the Belt arrived for the Dryer. Needless to say, Thursday was a busy day...
Of SUCCESS! We managed to put up the blinds in one go. And... Miracle of Miracles! The dryer started right up first time go. Thankfully there was nothing else wrong with the machine other than the broken belt and damaged rollers. As a bonus: The lint has been cleaned out of the vent tube and the dryer now dries properly in one cycle. Hurray!
Honestly, I was amazed that it was a success. Like the dishwasher, I had planned on taking the thing apart several times before it actually popped back to life. Luckily, I was mistaken and only had to take it apart once... Then wait several days for the right part to arrive. So there still were hiccups. Nothing seems to go perfect the first time.
Today, Dave and I both rose up early and helped move Ellie and Joey (Dave's Kids) to their first Apartment. It was a very easy and simple move. And, as always, Moving people other than myself is always fun for me. I can't explain why. (Maybe all of those years working for Allied and United Van lines has something to do with it.) They were happy, we were happy. And some random stranger offered Dave and me $80 bucks to move out an old Television from his house next door. It was heavy and outdated, but we took the cash. So we actually got PAID for our time and effort after all. Just an added bonus!
We did not have long to celebrate, because a few hours later, we were in a darkened theater watching a live production of Monty Python's "Spamalot" A live play based off of several of the Monty Python's Movies.
With songs and dancing. We did not get to watch the entire thing, though. Because Dave had to actually preach at Bethany at 5:30. But it was fun. Being a huge Monty Python fan, if was very interesting to see something in a live performance. And watching other people's take on the group's skits.
And that was the Day. The week, And the weekend is only half over. I have yet to run at all this week, being stuck at home waiting for parts all week, and having plans on the day's of the week I have available. My hope is that I get to run tomorrow and hopefully manage to keep the gains I had made from last week. Fingers crossed.
In the mean time... I feel very blessed. (A Sermon Theme Dave has been working on all week.) And although there are moments of Darkness when I fall into a deep pit of despair, I know that God shines a light for me to follow and see.
And that that light always seems brightest from the bottom of that pit. We take all of our blessings for granted, and sometimes we lose sight of the most important things. Sometimes we need the darkness to remind us how important that light truly is.
And a recent discovery I have made from the TV series "The Bear" The signing off of each post from one of the characters after every entry that I feel I should begin to incorporate into my blog. Especially now... As the sands of time begin to slip by faster and I discover there is more sand on the bottom of the hourglass than what remains on top. A motto with several meanings:
"Every Second Counts."
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