Yesterday was the last day of the first Semester at Shoreland. I know! What a weird arrangement! The first semester ends a week after winter break. But the ways of many things have changed over the years. Especially since I was a kid... So I just accept it and try to do my best to adjust.
But that means second semester begins! And I find myself rather excited about that! Let's call it a New Start! Only this time, I'm armed with a little more experience to deal with things. ( God willing) I'm sure I will discover gaps in the armor this semester. But I am feeling a little more confident this go around. And hopefully, that little bit of "extra" will come in handy.
In the mean time, I wanted to post that we have a new room mate. His name is Hyan Tu and he is from China! Out with the student teacher and in with the exchange student! How different could they possibly be?
Well, besides the language and culture shock... not much! Hyan is a lot like Kyle in that he has imprisoned himself in the guest bedroom... so far. ( I think it is Dave... he is so scary!)
Just kidding.
I'm sure that the huge change is difficult to process at first. It takes someone like Christina or my brother to be able to deal with all of the new experiences that are shoved on you in such a short time. But I'm sure he will come out of his shell eventually.
IN the mean time, I took him to see Lake Michigan... Because... Great Lakes! How can anyone live here and NOT understand that this is one of the largest concentration of fresh water on the planet! I thin he was impressed... Having no large bodies of water where he lives in China.
On Friday, Dave ordered Fried Fish and chips for the taste of Wisconsin. It was a good way to share the cultures a bit. I think he may have enjoyed it.
For now, I will have to adjust my morning schedule so I can take him to school with me. This will be a bit of a change from my usual 5:30 arrival time. Hopefully I will be able to adjust smoothly and not have any issues in the coming semester.
We have Monday off to prepare for the new Semester. Well, I mean there is no school for the kids!
The teachers have to enjoy a meeting and possibly a little school prep to get ready for the next wave of classes. This is compounded for me as I have to give Chapel Tuesday!
( My First time here at Shoreland!) I'm hoping it is not much of an issue and everything goes well. Still, It does produce a touch of anxiety when thinking about being in front of the entire Student Body. But if Kyle can do it... I figure I should be able to too!
Well that is all for now. Tomorrow, I am supposed to show up to Church early so I can help with the coffee. I'm actually a bit excited about that as well, since I will be making Cappuccino and Lattes for people. I can hardly wait!
That is all for now. Tomorrow, I have lesson plans to prepare and a chapel presentation to write. Sounds like a busy day. And every second counts.
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