Sunday, January 19, 2025

Busy Weekend With Shoreland Robotics!

 I pretty much spent the entire weekend helping out the Shoreland Robotics team.   I would say it was fun!    This was the second and third time I have experienced a robotics event,  and I guess I'm still kind of into it.   Who would have ever thought that I would be enchanted by something I know very little about. 

Friday after school,  I noticed the STEM folks carrying stuff down the hallway and past my office.   I offered to help them move... because I used to be a mover.  and moving things is kind of my thing.  ( don't ask me to explain. I barely understand it myself)   They did not refuse,  so I injected myself into the set up of the Gym for the upcoming robotics event.  

I also wanted to get Huan a little experience visiting people outside the house.    He is new to the high school,  and,  like me,   he probably has to be pushed out of his comfort zone to meet people.   I volunteered his services and together, we helped the robotics club set things up.  AND got free pizza!   What a pleasant surprise!

On Saturday,  the temperature dropped  to the single digits! After running three miles in it,  I headed off to the school to plan for my upcoming earthquake lab for Earth and Space. Image coutesy of  The plan was to work on that lesson and then drop by the gym to see how the teams were doing.   

9 hours later!    I was still there!    Helping the robotics club set up for the grade school meet on Sunday.  I didn't mind,  because I was asked to judge the Grade schoolers today.  I figured I would get some exposure to the differing heats as I helped set things up.  

While I was there,  I cheered on the Shoreland teams and took a few pictures.   One of the Shoreland Teams  ( the flying Dutchmen) won the tournament!   

Today,   I had to shore up early to dress in the Judging attire.   I grouped up with a bunch of other Shoreland students to judge and interview the grade school teams that came to compete.  It was a fun time. 

It also went by FAST!   Time flies when you are trying to interview a bunch of kids.  Before I knew it, we were judging the notebooks and setting up the second interviews.   After that..  It was time for the final break down.  I didn't get home until nearly 7 PM!  

Good thing I don't have school tomorrow!   I need the day to recover and do my laundry!   I also have to plan my weeks lessons and that earth quake lab.   Good times!   

I have to say,   it was a long day and rather exhausting,  but a new experience!   And As much as I do not envy the coaches, who stayed even later to put things away...   I would like to thank them for allowing me to join them and be a part of their world for ,just a brief moment.  It was fun talking to the parents and the kids about heir experiences and cheering them on.  Who would have ever thought there was this other world out there.....

I'm finding that my second semester shows promise.  I don't want to make bold claims just yet, but I find myself looking forward to the days now.   I hope that trend continues.   

I should also mention that last Tuesday, I had Chapel and I think I managed to pull it off.   That task had been bothering me for a while now, and I am happy it is over and I did not mess things up.   I was also happy to hear that I am not alone in my anxiety over Chapel.   Many of the nerdy science guys are not hip to speaking in front of that many people.    I guess I am in good company.

This coming week will present new challenges... even though it will only be four days long.  Dave will be traveling on Wednesday, I believe.   That will leave me and Huan to fend for ourselves in the food department.  Huan likes noodles, so he should be ok.  

I also have to figure out the weeks lesson plans for Physical Science as Mr Hutchenson will be touring colleges in Madison and South Dakota.   Since he and I are trying to stay on the same track as far as Physical science pacing goes.    I will have to chat with him about the weeks lesson plans and how far he wanted to go. 
Currently,  we are following his lesson plans and with him gone,  that will leave me to go it alone.    Another challenge to be embraced and overcome!

As for now.  I will continue to pray for strength and guidance from God.  And hope that the lessons and challenges he presents me are not as difficult as the ones he tossed my way during the first semester.   Already I have had a hiccup  with an Earth and Space Lab.  I was fortunate that I could pivot quickly and recover.  Small lessons like that I feel I can handle....  for now.  

May God continue to bless me and all of my students.   I would ask that he continues to guide me to help his children navigate this world and bring them closer to him.  For time is short...  and every second counts...

By he way, Several of these pics were from Mr. Tesch.  Who was nice enough to say I could use them.  (His are the clear ones!)

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