Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Long, Full Week...

 It was a long week at Shoreland this week.  All five days that seemed to crawl by.  I'm sure it was the same for the kids, as the days draw closer to those coveted vacation days of Christmas.  I know I am counting the days....

So what happened this week?    It is funny that, looking back,  the week actually seems like a MONTH rather than five days.   I can't really explain it.   I guess it could be summed up simply by saying that the last two weeks of the semester is a little crazy and Chaotic.  And there is always a sense of uncertainty when entering the classroom.  Who knows?   All I know is:  this is the first time I have experienced this phenomenon and now I have a base to follow for next year.    God willing.....

Things that happened!   This week I was able to set up a meeting with the Dean and have a chat.   Mr. Strutz is a valuable resource to the school and I was thankful for the time spent with him.    He offered encouragement and advice that was beyond helpful.  I can't possibly overstate just how helpful that was for me at this time of year.   I guess there are moments where you are your worst critic and the last thing you need is someone agreeing with your shortcomings.   Instead,  you need someone who will stand you up,  point you in the right direction, and encourage you to take another stab at it.   Someone who is in your corner and wants you to succeed!   Discovering that was overwhelmingly positive.   God sends us Angels to help guide us along the path he has set out for us.    And I now have one more that I can thank God for... 

I went to one of the Girls Basketball Games with Dave on Wednesday.  I was surprised Dave managed to make it out as he is still suffering from a twisted back  It seems to be better now, and he can get up and walk almost normally.  The games tend to end rather late for me.   I bonk out around 8 pm, so we wrapped it up at the half.   But we managed to cheer the girls on and meet a few people and parents along the way.   I even managed to fold a few Origami models while I was in the stands.  

The second game was an away game at Racine.   I was going to go, but one of the girls asked me to bake them cookies for Friday.    Now I do like to bake,  but it can be time consuming and there would not have been enough time to go to the game AND bake cookies, so I offered her a choice.    The girls said they would rather have cookies...   So I pulled out the Chef's Jacket and got to baking!  

I wanted to keep it simple.   The girls suggested Kiss Cookies,  but I personally think that Peanut butter Star Cookies are superior  since they are softer and are not likely to burn when you put them back in to melt the chocolate. Apparently,  the girls were impressed.    They now have put in another request for next week!   And the spilled the beans to the other sets so now ALL of my Earth Science sets are wanting to sample the cookies.   What have I gotten myself into?  

But it was fun.   I did enjoy baking and it made me happy that the kids all enjoyed them.  Funny how baking goodies for people you love makes you feel warm inside.   No wonder Grandmas tend to spoil their grandchildren with labor intensive goodies.   Perhaps it is something that you appreciate as you get older and can see the joy your labors bring.  

One of the Shoreland Students recently got back from Indonesia representing the USA in  the junior MMA  world cup competition.  Adam Haas WON the title!    We welcomed him back with a round of applause and I pulled up his final match on the big screen.  Adam is a very chill guy and you would never think he was a fighter by his demeanor. His parents must be incredibly proud of him... as we all were at Shoreland last Thursday when he came back.  

And finally,  tonight Dave and I went out to hear a septet sing Christmas Carols at the Summer Moon Coffee shop.  They sang a couple songs and then came over to chat with us.   Dave knew them,  of course.    So while he chatted,  I folded a couple origami models for the Christmas trees in the store.  I enjoy hearing Christmas Carols.   Especially in 7 part harmony by professional singers.    It looked like they were having a good time and the entire store erupted in applause as they finished each song.  There are moments when I wish I could do something like that,  but I can't really read music and I am never very certain about my voice being good enough.   Perhaps that is one of those things you either get over or simply let your passions push you through your fears.  Either way,   it is always fun to listen to that type of music.  

With one week left before the big vacation,  I am probably more eager for Friday than the kids!  Even though the first Semester will not be officially over until January,   it will be my first full semester as a Teacher... and that is HUGE for me.   If I had to look at myself and call the odds,  I would have given myself less than a 50% chance that I would survive.  ( especially after that first week!)    I had no idea what I was doing... even though I had went to school for this!  I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed or thankful for my complete incompetence....  Because I'm sure if I had any thought or reason, I would have never agreed to this call.  

But I know God has other plans.   I'm not sure what they are... Even now.   I only know that he will continue to guide me and I pray that I will be wise  enough to listen....  And learn.    I want to learn as quickly as possible so I can be the best teacher possible.   Not for my own personal gain, but rather to bring Him glory.   I never want to be the reason a kid falls or goes astray.  Instead,  it would be my wish that I help them all stay on the path of salvation.  Because there are already plenty of distractions that will cause them to fall away.   I know... Because it happened to me years ago.   

Perhaps that grand goal is a little too big to think about at this moment in time.   Right now, I simply want to make it through each week.   And if that seems impossible....  Make it through each day.   

And if that seems overwhelming...  then just the next hour.   

 Small bites!    The harder the task,  the smaller the bite. 

 Until you have consumed the entire elephant. No matter how long it takes....  Because every second counts. 

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