Monday, December 16, 2024

A Burning Heart.

 It was a Monday today.   And things just did not go the way I had planned.  With only one week left before Christmas Break,   I'm beginning to doubt a smooth journey to the weekend.   Not that I ever thought that was a possibility.  Perhaps more of a "Wishful thinking" moment on my part.   That being said,  I was prepared for the day and had a plan on how to execute it. 

But the kids had slightly different plans.  Oh!  Don't get me wrong... things did not go completely sideways.    But I did have to send several to the office on a day that should have been fun and exciting.  What is wrong with me? 

Just when I think I might be learning and getting the hang of things,  I have a day like today that makes me feel like an bumbling fool.  And although  I know that that is perhaps closer to the truth than I would like to think,  I still want to believe that I am learning my way out of such moments.  Why can't I learn faster? 

I know that this is part of the learning phase of any new environment or task.  You have to start out with the training wheels on full time.  I had thought that my previous experiences in life would have helped soften the blow of this reality.   

But today my heart burns.   Filled with self doubt and questioning God's choice and trust in me.   How can I live up to this precious gift?  

And the voices in my head battle and rage for my attention.   One tells me to quit,  the other tells me to continue no matter what happens to me, my health, or my surroundings.   Who should I listen to?

At moments like this.  I pray.   It is the only thing I can do confidently.   These moments where I fumble in the darkness looking for answers to questions I do not even know I have yet.   A blind man searching for color.   How can I even know if I am on the right path?   

I know God will provide the light. He sent us Jesus to earn forgiveness for us.   So no matter how many times I fail EVERYONE....  I know I am forgiven.    And that is a very difficult thing to accept    Moments like today make me think I have failed everyone.    The kids,   The administration,  Myself!   And even God.    Surely there is a horrible price to pay for such incompetence.   

But God forgives.   And He loves us.   And He Guides us.  

I pray that his truth is revealed to me and that I can continue to serve him.  And this feeling of inadequacy leaves me as he gives me more confidence.   I can only imagine that he is giving me as much as I can bear and no more.    

Because I am still here.   

And just now as I was writing that last part, My brother gave me a text.   As if God was answering my prayer for a sign.  Revealing a truth that I need to hang in there and grind it out.   Learning something new is not always easy.    And sometimes the lessons have to be repeated for someone as dense as me to grasp the concepts.  He sends his Angels to help me.  

And so I chatted with my brother for over and hour and his words have now turned my burning heart into something warm and kind.  And if you knew my brother the way I do... You would realize that is nothing short of a miracle!   Sometimes wisdom comes from the most unsuspected places.  

Tomorrow begins anew!   And each day I  thank God for this Opportunity to serve him.   I pray that I learn from the previous day and am able to inch ever so slightly towards the better. That some day, I will look back at this blog posting and smile,  knowing that His hand was helping me and guiding me the entire time,   refusing to let me go.  May He help me to learn things faster...  Because every second counts!

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