Not much happened over the last several days this week. It was pretty much a half week for me and the only eventful thing that happened was that I unloaded my eclipse story to anyone who would listen. Other than that... it was fairly normal.
So this is the perfect opportunity to blog about the other things that happened but were overshadowed by the Great 2024 Eclipse! ( Pun intended! Did you get it? Or are my jokes too subtle? ) Here are the little hills that I wanted to make into mountains, but lacked the time or space. ( Another pun?)
The Origami Ryūjin was delivered to VAS last week and I had not had the opportunity to formally show it off. Luckily, it is still there on Veronica's desk and no one has "Stolen" it ( Borrowed without returning...) I figured it looked good enough wrapped around the shelving so it did not need a stand.
But it did need a sign! Just so no one mistakes it for a crumpled piece of paper...
I did not know this, but apparently "artwork" is not allowed in the VAS area. So... I have to test the waters with my Origami. So far, either the head boss has not noticed it OR it was good enough to be allowed! ( That is what I want to think, anyway....)
I have been working on the fish, but this afternoon, I had another small task to sharpen Helen's kitchen knives.
They were pretty dull, so it took a little more time, but while I had the sharpener out, I took the opportunity to hone up the rest of Dave's knives as well.
I also took a little extra step and made a few sheathes for them. I did not want the sharpened blades exposed to dulling or injury. I imagine Helen has them in a block at home so these are only temporary.
Other than that, I ran 12 miles and got to enjoy the great outdoors this morning. I have another half marathon in a few more weeks, so I have to stay in shape and "race ready!" Not that I will be running to win...Just hopefully finish and get the T-shirt and medal.
Other than that, it's just a nice relaxing day. I may go out on Sunday and look for some mushrooms. It has been wet and cold lately, but I heard we are supposed to have temps in the 70''s tomorrow.
Perhaps something will pop up and I will be able to find it. Wouldn't that be fun!

n time... Time is short and every second counts.
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