Saturday, April 20, 2024

Busy Weekend.

 Unlike last week,  this weekend is filled with plans!  And today,  I spend Some time with Phil.  (Remember Phil?)    He was a former co-worker at the Zebra and currently works at Haribo making gummy bears.  Gone are the days in the witness protection program!  I wrote an entire blog post about him. ( Some of my best writing!  and Jokes.)

 He contacted us and asked if we wanted to link up, catch up and have some fresh golden gummy bears.   ( He brought us two bags!)  We agreed and met up at the Brat stop to swap stories and listen to his "Haribo Sales Pitch".  (Which, I will admit, was pretty good!)  Fortunately, ( Or Un-Fortunately... depending on how you look at it...)  I already have a gig coming up in July so I was unaffected.  Still,  We appreciated the offer. (And the Gummies!!!)

 I then joined Marion  to go out for a run at the Bong Wilderness Park.  She had a sticker so we could get in for "free".  ( I'm sure she paid for the sticker initially...)   But the weather was just too cold for walking or mushroom hunting.    We ended up running just to stay warm.   AND  the entire event did not last very long.  

 We even ran into her Sons as they were bird watching over the lake.   I thought it would have been too cold for bird watching, but they were out there with cameras in hand, taking pics of the Geese and Sand Hill Cranes that were flying around the open marsh area.  We stopped in to say "Hi" before heading back to Kenosha.  

  Tomorrow,  I have a Morning run with Marion and then Church.   Followed by a Walleye dinner with Dave at Helen Vigansky's house.  ( Remember:  Helen's Apple Pie?)  So Sunday will be a full packed day as well.  I probably will not have much time to work on the fish OR my patches!   My weekend feels like it is almost over already!  Luckily, I managed to finish and fold my laundry this morning...  so all of the essential tasks are completed.  

So this post will be short.   But at least I found the time to write this much.   Because next weekend is the Half Marathon in Toledo... And that will be Busy as well.    Time is short!  And every second counts.

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