Sunday, February 18, 2024

Another Weekend With Cheryl

 Is there a trend starting?   Maybe.   Hopefully?   I don't know.   Bu I do know that I spent a lovely weekend with Cheryl and it was fun.   

What did we do?   Well,  pretty much what we did last time she was here.   We ran,  beach combed, and went out to a pub and grill.    The only difference was that we did not waste time at IKEA waiting to eat meatballs.  Call it a "slimming down" of the last visit.  

I didn't take may photos of this trip though.   It was VERY cold in Milwaukee and I spent most of my time trying to keep my hands warm.   Not to mention I had to let my phone recharge several times and missed taking it out.   Ah well...  Can't take a picture of everything all the time.  

Saturday morning,   we braved the cold and ran by the Lake just like last time.  I figured that the single digits would keep people away from the lake shore trail, but I was wrong!   Not only were there a number of runners and walkers...   There was also a man running without a shirt on!   

That guy was beet red but he did not seem to mind the cold as much as I was.  I guess there are those people who want to take things to the extreme.   And here I am thinking simply running was a challenge enough...   Add in the cold makes it even more of a challenge.   But Shirtless?!!?!?   Rock on my friend!  Rock on!

The sun came out while we were beach combing,  but that was off set by the bone chilling wind.    And the beach was covered in ice this time... so finding beach glass was far more challenging.   regardless,  we did manage to find several items of note... and some rather colorful rocks.  

What else is there to say?   I did my Taxes last week.  ( Hence the lack of blogging...)  And we had a Superbowl watch party. ( No one seemed to actually care who won the game... and we left before the end )  

Oh!   And I got a Call to Shoreland Lutheran Highschool....   As a Science Teacher!  

Kind of a big deal....   I'm still waiting to wake up and find out it is all just a dream.   Seriously!  That is how it is effecting me.   I'm dreaming and I'm going to wake up any moment now.     But...  apparently,   I'm still in dream land.   

Odd that this is happening.   Every time I try to explain it to the people I share this with...  It is like trying to explain a miracle!   One that I barely believe.   And it is happening to ME!

The Lord works in Mysterious ways.   I was looking for the Bible passage that says this... and there are a few that "suggest" this phrase.   But this one I know for sure:   For we know that All things work for the good of those who love God....  And God has been good to me in so many ways.   My heart can barely stand it without exploding.  If you had asked me two years ago if this were possible,  I would have said it was not.   But here I am!     

 Here I am.  

So now I have to begin the process of dusting off the old teaching podium and brushing up on my lesson planning.   My hope is that it is like riding a bike and it will all come back  with ease.   (Without the scraped knees and dislocated shoulder part!)  I find myself praying now more than ever for even more assistance.    But God has gotten me this far already.   An IMPOSSIBLE feat!   So how much more would it be to ask for a few more crumbs of wisdom and knowledge to help me be the teacher He wants me to be?  

 I am humbled and grateful for everything He has done for me thus far.   Nothing is impossible for him. And I believe he will continue to bless me well on into the future.   Because every second counts. 

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