Monday, January 15, 2024

Mod Podge The Fish!

 That sounds like a Gordon Ramsey quote from one of his Monster Cooking Shows... But it is not.   

It is from Me!   And I don't cook!

Well, I do cook a little... but that last part sounded funnier. so I went with it.   

If you are unfamiliar with Arts and Crafts, you may be wondering: "What is a 'Mod Podge?'"   I will tell you it is not a cooking style or ingredient.  Rather, it is a type of glue that strengthens paper.   And it has many wonderful uses!   

Like finishing a rather large fish project.   

Not only is the project " Large"...  As in "Length of Time."   It is also Large in scale!   A bit larger than I had originally planned.   There was a moment where I thought I might actually make a Halibut instead of a Bluegill!  (A joke! For fishermen and Ichthyologists.)  But.....  Here we are.   With a Bluegill the SIZE of a 'small' Halibut.   Go big or go home....  Right?

Well,  the thing took two large bottles of Mod Podge and two days to completely cover.   I can't wait until I start the painting. ( Which is the next move)   Not only will there be a lot of surface area to cover,  there will also be the crazy color pattern that Bluegills display.   I can hardly wait! 

SO that is pretty much all I did today.   I went outside in the biter cold to buy MORE Mod Podge so I could finish this step and move on to the primer coat of paint.   The temps are hovering in the negatives and you can certainly tell.   Subie might like the snow, but he does not like the cold.

In Alaska,  it was colder...  But people knew, adjusted, and prepared for it.   There were battery Blankets, Oil heaters, and coolant pumps that kept your car plugged in and warm during the deep freeze.  But here in Wisconsin...   Cold  weather flashes in on you and if your car is outside,  all of your doors freeze shut.   Your car turns over slowly ( if it starts at all!)  and your car takes forever to warm up.   Not a lot of fun.  

But I'll survive.  And hopefully,  Subie will make it through this winter as well.  He is showing his age and cold weather always seems to speed  things up while snowing other things down.  But that is another tpoic for another time.  

In the mean time...  Fish project is progressing and I enjoyed a relaxing day.   Even if it was in the cold.    Tomorrow begins work at the Zebra anew!  I can hardly wait!  For the Morning commute...  And the Evening return Home.   And maybe I will even begin the painting process if I feel motivated and have the time.  Because every second counts.

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