Sometimes you have to learn things through experience. This weekend, I learned several of life's little lessons... And I would like to think I passed! Or at least got marks that would suggest growth and maturity. At least a little....Hopefully.
Lesson one: Understand that your plans are able to be dashed within a moments notice! I discovered this yesterday evening and this morning when my early morning Sunday plans of running long were pushed back. Dave asked if I could give an elderly lady a ride to Church. How could I refuse? And although it was a bit of an unplanned diversion, And I had already went to Saturday Evening church to free up my Sunday..... It was not really an inconvenience. So I agreed! At the very worst, I could run in the afternoon after church had finished. So...Not that big of a deal.
This morning, it rained. And rained. And rained! I took this as a sign from God that he did not really want me running long today. Even had I refused the request of Dave, I would have been "washed out" of my running plans regardless! So... I made the correct decision... In my mind anyway. I had a few things already planned for the day, so I would focus on them instead of running. I drove to the lady's house and picked her up. She had a walker that I stashed in the back seat of the Subie. Easy peasy!
Now things get "interesting." As the rain refused to let up, and with my passenger being a handicapped person, I offered to drop her off at the Church doorway so she would have only a short distance to walk and would be sheltered from the rain. I left the Subie running and got out to help her with her walker. (Important detail here) I opened the back door... retrieved the walker, and helped her out of the car. She shut her door and I went over back to the driver's side only to realize she must have tripped the "Lock Door" button! Locking my keys in the car.... while it is running. in the front of the church doors.... Blocking the entrance... while it was raining.
Hey! It was an accident. I understand. But that did not stop the sky rocketing pressure building up inside of me. Panic! Uncontrolled panic! With 20 minutes before Church was to start, I had blocked off the entrance with a running car that could not be moved! No biggy.
Pause. Take a breath. Breathe Deep! Ok... I have a second set of keys... At home. I'm not sure I know where they are, but I have at least a couple ideas. At the VERY least, I took them out of the car two months ago... for fear of this very situation happening! Pastor Gordy offered me his keys to his car and I drove back home, leaving the Subie to continue running so all of the congregation can marvel at my idiocy. I'm so shaken, that it takes me several minutes to figure out how Pastor Gordy's car Starts! ( It was a push button, no key! You have to press the brake before you push the button though. Otherwise, nothing happens!)
I finally arrive home. Look down in the basement for my spare set of keys. I find it tucked away in my luggage! Hurry back to church! The rain has stopped! People are able to get in by walking around the Subie. And I try to open the car door with the Key fob.
Welcome back Panic!
Ok... Deep Breath. Use the key in the door lock. ( Old School!) It OPENS!
I climb in, buckle up. Try to put it in drive. Gear shift will not move!
Welcome Back Panic!
By this time, it is almost like I'm in a comedy sketch. I turn off the car, Get out of the car. Push the car until I hear the starter click and lock into the flywheel. Climb back in the car and start it up. ( I have done this before) Put it into drive... And move Subie to a safe parking space. With plenty of time to enter the church before the service starts.... Like the entire episode never happened!
So... what lessons were learned? One: I have to find a better location for my spare key. Two: Resist panic and breathe deep. Try to think before saying or doing anything rash. ( Like using a coat hanger on the window... which would not have worked since I do not have those types of locks.) Three: Realize that accidents happen and avoid blaming people for being human. (I'm actually kind of proud of this one.) Four: Church is a great place to have an episode with your car. Oh, sure, a garage would be better, but people at church are very understanding and helpful. If they can not help you fix the issue, they will be more then willing to give you a ride home or call a pro to help you.
And Five: God did not want me to run 18 miles today. I'm sure he has my best interest in mind. Even when Church was over and I had dropped the lady back home, I started to think I might be able to run a shorter distance as the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. But.... seconds later, the rain began again. As if to tell me.... "Seriously... NO!"
It's all good. I was able to finish laundry, fill out a survey, paint the fish, paint the bird house, fix a vacuum, clean up my area, and call some relatives. I'm even able to blog about this little episode and laugh about it. It happens to be blog worthy.
So now I have to find a magnetic key container for my key. Thank goodness I took the extra key out of my ashtray! AND that I remembered that I had recently discovered it in my suitcase. I panic to think what would have happened had I locked the car while the suit case was in the trunk! I would have been screwed in that instance... So this little learning experience has showed me the correct answer to my Spare Key problem. Can't keep it in the car, can't keep it at home. I have to keep it with the car, but in a location where I can access it.
The theme of the service last night and today was "forgiveness." I would like to think I have become better at forgiveness. I can see a younger version of me reacting in a very different and undesirable way. ( blaming others, profanity tirades, violence and property damage....)
Perhaps it is age. Maybe Maturity. ( I doubt that.... I am a child most of the time.) Or maybe I had the hand of God on my shoulder.
I like that thought. That there is someone else with me during stressful and troubling times. Perhaps He won't help me directly... But rather, He gives me the perspective to act appropriately during those situations. A calming touch. A moment of clarity. A grateful heart.
And although I do not desire too many more of these little "life lessons" from the Almighty.... I do recognize their usefulness in everyday life when dealing with other people.
And other people are important for a happy life. Because life is short. And the life lessons that God blesses you with must be repeated occasionally if you do not learn them the first time. This is the second time I have ever locked my keys in my car. And that was a long, LONG time ago... So...I must have needed a refresher course....Because every second counts.
I didn't know your car was stuck locked and running right in front of the church door! Wow. I'm glad you were able to get your keys in the end! (At our city council meetings, the sheriff gives a report each month, and most of their calls are for door unlocks. So you aren't the only one it happens to!)