Thursday, August 24, 2023

Fishing With Friends!

Yesterday,  Dave invited me to fish the Pond again.  Only, this time.... We had kayaks at our disposal.   And that made all the difference!

The pond is private.  And surrounded by heavy brush to prevent shore fishing.   If you lack waders,( Which I do!)  Then you are at the mercy of the brush and the small openings you can squeeze between.  Most of my time is spent fighting the snags I get every time I try to cast into the water.  

But having a flotation device of some type changes the game completely!  

This past week has been excessively hot!  And on the day we were slated to go out, the heat hit an all time high.   So we waited an hour for the sun to dip down and perhaps cool off the area a bit.   It did not seem to help 

For this reason, I was afraid the fish were going to be either overly active ( a good thing) or lethargic and stressed from the heat. ( a bad thing!)   I'm sure there was something in-between that, because as the time slipped by, the fish started to bite.  Too bad it was rather late.

In the end,  I caught 5 nice Bluegills and Dave caught three Largemouths.   We had just enough to make a meal and still have time to clean them last night.  We ate them today for dinner.  Nothing like fresh fish and chips  with fish that are less than 24 hours old!  

The heat and humidity have been making the sky rather brilliant each morning.   Halos hover around the sun, making it look like a flame in the sky rather than a ball.  I don't know why, but it never gets old for me.  

And the Mushrooms have been enjoying the humidity and heat as well.   I found several species, including these meadow mushrooms, just popping up out of the grass.  My cousin-in-law Joel Lucas, showed me a VERY cool app for my phone that can take pics of Mushrooms and ID them.   It was quite amazing!  I now have been using it for many of the mushrooms I have failed to ID 100%...  Even the really small ones!  It is also very satisfying when the App concurs on your own personal Identification of the mushroom.  Tech can be so wonderful sometimes.  

Hope everyone is staying cool.   I hear there is a cold front moving in now and temps will be dropping.  Currently, it is raining.   Even though the weather channel said it was not supposed to rain today.  Go figure.  

Tomorrow is Friday!   And there will be a restful weekend in store for me.   Dave has hinted about going fishing one last time before giving the Kayaks back.  I may have to fuss a little with the fly rod to see if I can make it a little more user friendly.   We shall see.  IN the mean time... Enjoy this life!  Every second counts!

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