Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Fishing with Family!

Sunday after the reunion,  a couple of the remaining family members decided to go for a little fishing trip down along the Grand River.  Joel, being a former military police guy, wanted to do things all legal and bought those of us who were non-Michigan residents a one day license.   (only $10!) 

With three cartons of bait, several tackle boxes, and three scruffy guys....  we loaded up in Joel's truck and headed to the local Dam/ reservoir.  I didn't take long for all of us to catch something.   Granted...  They were small.   And hardly the species of fish we had hoped we could stumble upon.  But, we at the very least did not get skunked!  And that is always a good thing. 

Chubs, Small mouth bass and Green Sunfish were the majority of the catch.   Nothing worth keeping, really.   Joel used some of the really small fish as bait for a couple of tosses.  But eventually abandoned them for spinners or worms. 

The Sun was out and the heat really beat down on us and possibly the fish.   It really was a lot of work trying to find the few small ones that we did.  I imagine the larger fish being in a shady area or in deeper water.   But, having never fished this particular part of the Grand River,  we were shooting randomly.  

Eventually,  we got tired and needed a nap.   We headed home and I managed to finish the blog post I started the day before.  Joel took a nap while Lee, Chrissy and Denise talked about next years plans for the reunion.   I guess this years success put the family coffers back in the black so cousin Sharron will not have to struggle as much when she hosts it next year.  ( I think that is right....  don't quote me on any of this... I'm just a casual observer. 

Applebees!  With Joel and Chrissy.

In the end, it was a wonderful weekend.   I thoroughly enjoyed the company and stories.   I'm happy to say that all reservations and fears I had before were unwarranted.   And I am happy that I did not regress back to old ways and instead, forced myself  out of my comfort zone.   I believe that I am better for it and, although the benefits of this experience may not be known immediately,  I feel that something good will come out of this event.   Specifically for me... but maybe for all of the other folks I got to chat with as well.   We shall see over time... perhaps next year.   If I am still able to join in.   We shall see.

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