Saturday, August 12, 2023

And Then The Forest Smiled....

 It has been a pretty good weekend so far.  Heck!  It was a pretty good Week!  I actually got a lot done!  ( And that always makes for a happy weekend. )  There were a number of things on my list that will have to be worked on for tomorrow,   but so far,  I'm pretty happy....  So let's get to it. 

First,  I managed to get my Tires put on last Thursday.  Subie now rides like he's if floating on a cloud again!   ( for a Subaru,  that is impressive,  since they are recognized for their handling and road feel.) I have scheduled an alignment for Thursday.   Hopefully, that will help make the tires last a longer than they have been.  Now that I got all of the underside replaced or fixed.   But I know nothing lasts forever.   but for now, I will enjoy the ride for as long as I can. 

Back under 200!

I have been able to run 6 miles every day and I managed to get 11 miles in today.   My actual goal was to run 14!  But a couple had a flat tire just outside the house where I'm staying.   I went out to help only to find that his rim had rusted onto his hub!  We was whacking at it with a sledge hammer trying to break it free.   I offered my help and some tools, but nothing seemed to work.   In the end, he managed to get it off with the hammer. (Desperate self-recovery can make miracles happen!)  I was very happy for him as I would never wish a Flat Tire on anyone.  I can always make up the extra three miles tomorrow...

On Friday,  I noticed that there were a number of new mushrooms out in the Petrified Springs rec area. I went out there and found another basket of Mushrooms.   Mostly Boletes and Chanterelles.   But I did manage to find a few Russulas.   Even some Oysters and Millers!  There were at least three different species of Boletes out there, and I made sure to sample them all to make sure a Bitter Bolete did not get in the mix. Honestly, there were so many Boletes and Chanterelles out that I could be selective as well.   The White and Yellow Slime Molds waste no time attacking them, so even with so many out there,  there was a high percentage  that I could not harvest. 

But in addition to the Boletes and Chanterelles....  There were Amanitas and Corts!  To call them pretty is an understatement.   I find them beautiful and mystifying.   As one person mentioned:  There is something enchanting about finding something beautiful that could also kill you...

I'm not sure about Corts.   They are definitely pretty with their purple gills,   but I think they only are bitter to eat ...or, at worse,   will give you a tummy ache.    But Amanitas are known to be deadly.   I'm pretty sure all of them have the potential to kill you.  ( don't know,  will never find out either!)  I DO know that in some species, you can cook the toxins out,  but... again...  I will never find out of this is true. 

That being said,  I ran around finding and photographing all  the different ones I could find.   Similar to the Boletes,  the Slime Molds and Slugs had been consuming many of them.  But every now and they I found a fresh one or an young one just hatching out of its egg.  (A distinguishable Characteristic!) This one might be an American Caesar Mushrooms  (Amanita jacksonii)   The Internet says these may be edible.... But are often confused with Death caps!   Um... no thanks.   I'll just admire the color and shape. 

And also the Jack-o-lanterns have made an appearance.  Looks like this cluster has been out here a while.   I found another cluster while I was running and the bugs had done a number on them.   Funny how they don't seem to make the bug sick.  (Or DIE from eating the deadly ones...)

There were a number of other inedible mushrooms that I could not resit admiring.   The bleeding tooth being one of them.  The Red droplets are actually tannin from the forest floor.  

And finally,  I have found a new best friend!   Her name is Gracie and she belongs to Katerina.   Personally, I find ALL dogs are my best friend...   But that might be a bit one-sided.  ( I can't help it if Dogs LOVE me...) And don't get me started with cats...  I'm always a little suspicious of people who do not like cats.  And I'm suspicious of anyone who is not liked by a dog!  ( Cats don't qualify here because they start out hating people.... You have to EARN their trust and love. ) 

It had only been a couple days, but I did get to give her a walk around the neighborhood.  And I discovered that she likes to cuddle.  

This post is getting long and I have to go to sleep soon.   So I will save the blue chair and the fish for another post.   Hopefully I will be able to find the time to write about them.   It is funny that I am finding that my time is becoming filled more and more these days with activities.  Finding time to effectively write is becoming a challenge.  And when I do write,  I find that every second counts!

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