Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Sunrise Over Lake Michigan.

I have been in Kenosha for a little over two years now and have never seen a sun rise over Lake Michigan.  

Oh!  I have seen plenty of sunsets on the other side... but never a sun rise.  

Until now!    

Finally!  I have the time and the motivation to get out of bed on a day off and drive to the lake for this magical moment.   Alexa told me sunrise was at 7:11 AM.  So I made sure I was there with a few minutes to spare.  

I liked how the glow of the sun heralded its arrival.  Red sky at night, sailors delight.   Red sky at morn... Sailor be warned!   The sky looked pretty red!   And there was definitely a gale force wind a brewing on the shore later that day.   I can only imagine what those winds were like out on the lake.  

But I finally was able to check the "sunrise" box off of my list of things to do in Wisconsin.  

For the last 3 days, I have been working on a slightly more complicated Origami Model.  My Old Arch nemesis:  The Ancient Dragon.

 I scored some large green paper from the Student Council after the dance.  It looked tough enough to fold without tearing, so I thought I would give it a go.  The paper is a little thicker than it probably should be, but so far, things are looking pretty good.  

As I mentioned before... This is day three!   I have been putting about three to four hours into folding it each day before I have to take a break.    And then I somehow manage to not come back to it until the next day.   Call it a lack of persistence.  

But I'm excited on how things are turning out.   I believe this will be the fifth time I have attempted it.   And none of the previous versions ever looked like the ones you see online.   But perhaps I'm getting a little better now that I have several years more experience... Maybe all those small origami tips I leave the waitresses finally are paying off!

We shall see how things turn out.   

Other than that,  I have been keeping up with the 6 miles runs!  That is 24 miles so far this week!   Too bad they won't let you run a marathon over 4 days.... I think I could do it at my current training level!  

I still ache all over.    And I'm grateful that the temps have stayed in the 40's for most of the week.   That helps!   Once you have to bundle up for the run,  you overheat around mile 2.

Or you freeze until mile three!  So it is a catch 22  either way.  But I know that the days will inevitably get warmer as Spring progresses.    And with a half marathon on the wish list,  I had better get some training in before I look like a total  loser.  (Like the guys who "died" at the finish line last year.)  

And I have used the nice weather to break out the smoker for some Salmon.   Sam's Club had salmon on sale, so I stocked up on some to help kick off the spring season.   (Not sure if smoked salmon is a spring thing,  but I think we can make it into one if we want.)  The first batch turned out GREAT!  And I have a second batch marinading in the fridge,  ready for tomorrow.  I'm not sure how long the sales lasts, but I would like to see if Dave can get invited onto a boat again.   OR possibly,  I could score a carp or two out of the Lake.    Apparently, Smoked carp is pretty good, and I have never had it.  I think with the right recipe, it could prove to be tastier than its fishy trash fish reputation. 

The week is slipping by so quickly now.  Like sand that is being gripped in your hand:   The tighter you squeeze it, the faster it slips between your fingers!   I feel guilty whenever I sleep in or do anything that is not school related.   Like I have been given time to get "ahead" but I instead waste it on paper folding and running.   

But perhaps God is trying to show me that this time is meant to be used this way.   To clear my mind and prepare for the final stretch.   The last 25% of the school year!   With sports and warmer weather, I'm sure there will be much to be excited for and about.   I hope the kids are as excited as I am.  Because this time in high school  will only happen once in their lives....  And every second counts. 

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A Sunrise Over Lake Michigan.

I have been in Kenosha for a little over two years now and have never seen a sun rise over Lake Michigan.   Oh!  I have seen plenty of sun...