Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday Robotics Event At Trinity Lutheran.

 I got to judge another Robotics tournament for the Grade-schoolers this weekend.  It was fun!  

This was my second time judging an event, and I think I'm getting the better!  Or the rules are easier for me to understand. 

I learned a lot today!   Like how I'm not supposed to talk to any of the teams without another judge present.   And on face value,  I guess that is a valid rule.   I already feel creepy being a single old dude surrounded by young people.    

(That is a joke, people.... Gees!)   

But seriously,  it was fun.  Many of the teams I had already seen in action at the Shoreland tournament.   And the actual events were pretty competitive and exciting.  In fact,  the last round was a tiebreaker and the team I thought was the best, got disqualified at the last second when one of the ball handlers missed the little bin where the ball is supposed to go.  The ball then rolled out into the field and was picked up by the team and  they scored.   Thus,   Disqualifying them from the final match!   

The good news is that they still managed to get second place and qualify for the state finals.  I wish the Vexbots the best. 

Part of the judging is to determine the awards for excellence and innovation for the other teams that may not have the most skilled drivers or the best robot, but DO have the best teamwork and designs.  And there is more to the game than just being "good" at making baskets with the robot.   You also have to have a notebook to show the process and allow someone to follow your thoughts.   The BEST books are the ones that someone could use to rebuild your robot exactly.   Like an instruction manual or Blueprint.   And a couple of the notebooks were head and shoulders above the others.    Those teams usually place near the top and are filled with serious, experienced Roboticists.   

 I just made that word up... Because "Robotic people"  sounds a little off.... ( They are kids... not robots!)  

We finished a little early, and I got to announce the "excellence" award.   With a poem!   

I don't know why, but I guess it is a "Thing" where the judges write a poem when they announce the winner of the special awards. Either that, or it is a form of hazing for the new guys.   Nice to know I am now a part of the "Nerd Squad."  

Right Solomon?  

Ah well.    It was a great way to spend a Saturday. And I even got a free lunch out of it!

Tomorrow,  I have to get cracking on my grading.   The Freshmen dumped a bunch of work on me in last Friday.   And I should try to get it scored and entered before the big quiz on Monday.  That means I will have to spend the lion's portion of Sunday scoring and doing the laundry as normal.   The temps outside are still just a tad bit cool so I did not get a chance to run at all this week!  (Or weekend!)  I'm trying to keep in shape with calisthenics in the basement, but if I plan on running a longer race in the spring, I had better get back into some form of training soon.   Even if it is only a three mile run in the morning.  I can't believe it is February already! 

School continues to pass by and this week went by quickly enough.  I shall begin the week as I do every week,  with a prayer for confidence and guidance from God.   And  LOT of help to learn and get better.  I'm still here,  so God must continue to  have use for me.  And somehow,  that makes me feel a little bit better.  Because every second counts!

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