Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Mid-Week Snow Day At Shoreland!

 Today was a snow day!   Hurray!   Honestly,  It could not have come at a better time for me.   Call it...  Divine Intervention!  

And that is not entirely made up!   You see,   the Freshmen in my Physical Science room asked me to make a prayer request.   We say a prayer before every class, and I ask for any prayer requests.    Sometimes they pray for their sports teams or help on an upcoming quiz.    Sometimes for a Cat or a Grandmother who is scheduled for surgery.  But yesterday... ALL Of the sets asked for a snow day today.   I felt a little weird asking God for  essentially "Bad" weather,  but I made the request anyway.    And God responded with an overwhelming   ( Insert a Thunderous Voice here:) "YES!"

 Honestly, we never had snow days when I was growing up.  But then again,   we lived in a dorm.  So most of the student body was there on campus already.  And even though I have a Subaru and live only 6 miles away from School,  it is nice knowing you will not have to battle the weather to get in on time.  

So how did I spend my day?  Well.... Working!  Ironically.  I was able to catch up on all of the grading  that has been piling up since Monday. (which is a LOT!)  Normally I spend the entire weekend trying to get ahead of things.    And there are always those students who hand in late work that has to be scored right away so they can play a sport or so their parents won't "Kill" them.   An expression...   Parents often threaten but rarely follow through on murderous intent.   I should know!  My mom threatened to destroy me and my brother all the time, but somehow we survived.  (With a little humor and lots of therapy....)  

Just kidding.    We never went to therapy. 

But getting back.  I spent Tuesday Night watching the Boys Basketball Game.   Another exciting one for the JV and JV 2 teams.  The JV team went into overtime!  But unfortunately,  both teams lost in the final seconds....  

I managed to stay for all three games ( Even the Varsity!)  because the snow had not yet come and I knew that we were going to have the day off today.  

I also dropped into the Robotics Tournament and checked it out.   I saw a lot of familiar faces, but I did not stay long.  Again, I had a lot of scoring to do and tried to take a chip out of it.  

Other than that.   Scoring is done!   Grades are entered!   And I just went over the lessons and labs I have planned for the remainder of the week.   That does not mean I will be thoroughly prepared...   But I at least have a head start on things and hopefully will show a somewhat "competent" front for the kids.  ( I doubt they will even notice. Or be fooled!) I'll take what I can get. 

The kids teach me much about life and myself everyday.   Mostly my flaws and things I need to work on.   ( And there is MUCH!)  With lots of Prayers,  I have confidence God will not give me more than I can handle at any given time.  That does not mean he will always answer my prayers the way I would like them answered.   But I will trust that his vision for me is best.   

I found this wonderful short video that made me think a bit.   I figured I would share it.   It is short, but gets to the point.   And I like that.   Because every second counts.    Enjoy.

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