Thursday, August 8, 2024

Student Orientation Day!

 The First of two!  And it was FUN!   I got to meet a number of students and their parents.   My job was to simply hand them  a check list of items and stations they needed to visit and point them in the right direction.   Easy!   And during the process,  I got to chat with a few of them along the way.

And all this on a day where information was once again, coming fast and furious!   I admit that the feeling of being overwhelmed is getting a little old now.   Dare I say:  Familiar?  You think I would simply get used to it.   (And perhaps that is the entire point!  To be comfortable with being uncomfortable....) But after tonight....  There was a feeling of excitement that I have not felt in a long time.  

It is late... And usually I feel rather drained after meeting so many people.  (Especially strangers!)   But I actually feel rather "energized" from the ordeal.   Go figure.   I can't explain it other than God's hand is at work within me.   

I like that thought and feeling.

Still,  that being said, I should probably cut this post short and head to bed.  It has been a long day and I have been up since 3:45 AM!   So I should probably get some sleep.  

Oh!  And it was my Birthday today!   I almost forgot!  Funny how things like that get glossed over when you are focused on the fun.  

I just wanted to post a quick blog entry about the feeling.  If nothing else... To be a record of the journey and process of things.   A strong family.   A friendly culture.   And a loving and caring God to aid me along the way.   Praise be to Him!  For making every second count...  Amen!

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