Sunday, June 23, 2024

Of Men And Dogs.

 I'm sure this topic has been discussed before by others.   And I am willing to bet even I have written about it in the past.  (Though I could not find the post.) But I like the comparison that men are like dogs.  

Of course this will require some explanation.

Being compared to a dog is usually not a compliment.  "A dog of the Army,"" He is nothing but a dirty dog... "  "All bark, No bite.:  And so on and so forth...  The Comparisons are endless and can be even more degrading.  So let's talk about the bad stuff first.    

Dogs smell bad.   True. Usually when they are wet.  ( and they usually  love the water!)  They love the roll around in the mud and dead things.   They eat, bark, bite, run around, hump your leg, sniff your butt, and then fall asleep.   They also destroy things when they are stressed,  Chew on your favorite remote, and defecate in your yard... Usually in your flower bed.   Not really things that you want to brag about. 

So why keep them around?  What good could they possibly offer?   

Dogs give unconditional love.  They are protective and will defend their family.  They curl up and keep you warm on cold nights.  They will hunt, fetch, and, if trained properly,  assist you with living.  They can shepherd flocks of animals  and protect small children with precision and discipline. They will alert you to anything they understand as a threat.  Did I mention they give love unconditionally?  They find and save people. They  track down fugitives, detect bombs, and defend police officers and soldiers.  They pull sleds across the tundra, keep farms free of vermin, and protect against predators.And they can be trained to do amazing things. 

And all that for a small price of a lick on your face or muddy paw prints on the clean kitchen floor.  

And then there is the loyalty.    Dogs are loyal.   They understand their role and place in the family and society.   Sometimes to their detriment.  It is sad to see a dog who is loyal to a bad owner... Because the Dog often pays the price.  I used to say there is no such thing as a bad dog,  only a bad owner who mistreated or abused the dog to the point where the dog is broken.  Mean!   Savage... Unless the dog is rabid,  their bad actions can be traced to a bad human.

I find being compared to a dog as a good thing.  I was born in the year of the dog and thought that a dog would be a good "spirit animal" if I were to ever take one.  Not a wolf, mind you.   (No Alpha or Beta or Omega for me...) Just a dog.   Slobbery, lovable, fluffy dog. I have my flaws, but mostly want to help out those around me.  And Love those who are near and dear to me.  Single minded in purpose!

I love dogs.   I love what they represent.   And will take all of the bad with the overwhelmingly good things they have to offer.   Not all things in life can be measured by a price tag.   A monetary value...  Some things are more valuable that you could ever imagine.   And we never realize it until they are gone. 

So I will continue to pet all the dogs I can as I run through the park.   I will greet them and share my stories with their owners; and give their lovable mutts a scratch on the rump or ears.  And enjoy the muddy paws and slobbery tongue as they attempt to reciprocate the gesture.  ( The dog... not the owner!) For dogs are love.  And I think that many men are the same way,   if people would take a little time to get to know and understand them. Rather than simply lumping them into a huge group  and equating them with the lowest and worst examples.  That would be like equating all dogs to Cujo!  

So think about the comparison before lumping dogs and men together.   Because the truth is, it might be seen as more of a compliment rather than an insult.  

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was a compliment up until your last sentence!


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